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I make a decent family style potato salad. You'd have to up the quantities of ingredients for your needs.

7 medium red potatoes, partially skin them and cut them into about 3/4 inch squares
2 eggs

Put the potatoes and eggs to boil until potatoes are just tender, about 10 min. after they come to boil. Drain.

2 T pickle relish, I like dill, Jack likes sweet
1/4 c minced celery
1/4 c minced onion
1 T salt
1 tsp. pepper
1/3 c mayonnaise

Mix that all together.

Cut up the eggs. Add to the mixture. Toss it all up with the potatoes. Adjust the seasoning and add (mustard, if you like it) or mayonnaise if you need more.

I would appreciate your fruit tea recipe.

2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!
What type of Potato Salad do you like? I have a pretty standard recipe that's good (better than any store bought) but you boil the potatoes whole then scrape the skins and chop. It is HUGELY labor intensive. My cooks would kill me if I tried to get them to make it everyday. Let me know if you want it though and you can change it however you see fit.

P.S. IMO the trick is to have the sweet of the pickle relish offset by the tart of the mustard. And the softness of the potato and egg offset by the crisp crunch of celery and onion.
way too much work to make it from scratch every day. plus, the shelf life is much shorter that way. we found the best way for us is to buy the blandest style possible and then add the extra little kickers that give it that homemade taste. funny story.... one of our catering regulars asked if we could cook the potatoes softer in the next batch we served them. well, we just died cause they are already cooked. however, we soon discovered that storing the premade potato salad on the bottom shelf of the refridgerator was making the potatos crunchie. dont know why, but it happens. so we just moved things around, and now they are soft again/hehe

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