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I have not yet purchased a cookshack. I am looking at a 150. I am working on a concession trailer and figuring on how a cookshack would fit in. I have used a traditional "barrel" type barbecue pit. I do Santa Maria Tri-tip. I brown the tri-tip on each side on the grille, then close the lid and it cooks for about 45 minutes total (about 300 degrees). I take it off at that time rare and let it finish it off in a large pot with a lid. The result is a very juicy tender piece of meat.

My question is this: can I approximate this process in a certified trailer using a gas char-grill to pre brown, then finish in the cookshack? Do the cookshacks have the ability to heat to 300 degrees and hold within an hour. I presume I could preheat the cookshack while I am browning on the grille. I know this is a lot of questions from a newbie, but I want to figure out the best way to duplicate what i have been doing. Local health codes don't allow the old barbecues like i used to use if i go commercial. Thanks in advance for your input. I love the forum. Looking forward to purchasing soon!

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Look at the FEC's. They're fully coded and you'll have no problems with local Health Depts.

Not sure why you sear first? Are you not wanting to smoke it?

Me I'd smoke then sear, so I'm not sure what you're wanting to achieve, but either way, the FE's or the large electric CS's (150's) would do what you want.
I am not thinking through the steps of your food handling and inspectors,so bear with me.

You don't say how long you hold ,before serving.

Is there a reason you wouldn't cook the tritips to about 125º internal at about 180º to smoke them in the 150?

Hold in the 150 at the 135º which I believe is the new code, and finish on the gas grill-as you need them?

Folks will precook volume,hold in cambros/good coolers and finish on a Belsen,or Santa Maria grill.

This tends to give a better surface finish IMO.

The answer to your question would be that you can precook in the cookshack,open the door to dump some heat, and it will hold just like a warming oven. at the hold temp.

Like Smokin' says above.

We smoke them in the FEC s,and then crank the temp to around 350ºto finish like a smoked steak. Cool
Thanks for the help! Yes that does make more sense. I guess the root of my question was can I go from uncooked to serving in 90 minutes or so. The whole low and slow smoking process is new to me. The reason I was grilling first was to seal in the juices, then slow cooking for 45 minutes to bring internal temps up, then using residual heat in the pot to slow cook until I needed them.

Smoking them first, hoding, annd finishing them off as you suggest seems much better plan. Thanks again. So much info on this site, it's great.
Me I'd smoke then sear

That's exactly how I do tri-tips--smoke first, then finish on the grill. Or anything that needs both smoking and searing for that matter. Only I smoke them to around 100, then finish on a red-hot grill to get the char and grill marks while leaving the midding med-rare.

I just did a big catering job with tri-tip where I did this. Turned out fantastic.
I have a Smokette, and you can get them to 100* in about an hour (or 1.5 hrs) cooking at between 225* - 200*. Just probe one of them. I use a Santa Maria style rub.

Have the grill hot and ready. When the tri-tips get to temp, turn off the smoker and open the door to vent the moisture. Grill on the hottest part of the grill to carmelize the exterior and bring them to an internal temp of 130* 135*, depending on how you and your company like them. Let rest 10 min, then slice as thin as you can get it across the grain. Toss the slices with any juice that has run out of the resting meat.

Melt a stick of butter in a pan and crush a couple cloves of garlic in it. Brush the cut sides of some good hoagie buns and toast them cut side down on the grill.

Make a sandwich with the sliced tri-tip on the garlic-butter toasted buns. Nothing else is needed for the best sandwich you've ever had.

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