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Has anyone ever tried to smoke a prime brisket like the kind sold at Lobel's Prime Meats in New York City? I don't think that this is a packer cut (as it is only 9 lbs)...anything to do different? Am I better off with finding a choice packer cut? The Lobel's website seems to indicate that this brisket is fantastic in a smoker...

I know that the CS Forum folks know best...thanks for any suggestions!
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Unless you've cooked so many Briskets that you're bored with them, don't waste your money.

I've eaten enough briskets to know and personally, PRIME is good for steaks, but I think it's overpriced for brisket. If I remember it's about $10 a pd. They also now sell Waygu, again I think a waste for brisket.

You can buy a lot of choice brisket for what they want to sell you a prime at.

9lb is a packer, it's just a small packer. It might be mostly flat, but have a part of the point still on.

Oh, as for them saying it would be fantastic in a smoker, heck yeah, they want to sell it to you.

They know steaks, in fact they're awesome, but they don't know smoking at all.
There are some folks here on the forum,that could give a couple novice cooks 20-30 cutter,noroll,ungraded packers,some wallyworld salt and pepper picnic seasoning kits,
any wood picked up beside the road,Smokin's Brisket 101 and the forum-IF THEY PAID ATTENTION- and outcook 99% of the rest of the cooks with a CAB,upper choice,prime,Wagyu,all the current "super top secrets",the 'greatest homemade rubs and top secret homemade sauces",the most exotic woods in the world.

The big difference is the first group just went out and cooked a few,and took good notes-like Smokin' always says.

Adjust one step at a time,like Smokin' says.

I understand this is "deep philosophy" and requires much too much cookin' than many folks desire-for the perfect brisket,but it seems to ALWAYS work.

Just my $0.02
Originally posted by Peterg333:
Has anyone ever tried to smoke a prime brisket like the kind sold at Lobel's Prime Meats in New York City?

Both SmokinOkie and Tom offer great advice. Given the fact that I'm a chef, restaurant owner and have access to a wide variety of meats, I ordered a USDA Prime packer brisket (Brandt Beef) from one of my purveyors, and gave it a shot in the FEC100. My notes:

Cost was $4.95 @ lb. - more than 2x the cost of a similar USDA Choice product from the same (Brandt) source.

The external fat was a bit heavier, and deeper in-between the point and the flat. My trim loss was about 12% higher vs a Choice packer.

The flavor was very good but the net yield (flat and point, trimmed of residual fat) was 10% less than my average Choice yields.

Side note: a week later I smoked a Choice packer (Brandt) using Butchers injection and the flavor/moisture were superior to the Prime.

Like Smokin the Lobels/Prime/Wagyu for the grill and perfect your brisket using Choice
I mentioned about 4 weeks ago that I picked up a prime brisket at my usual IGA store. Price was in the $3+ range but it was all they were selling and that is sometimes their normal price.

Couldn't tell the difference. It was good, but not any different that I could tell. And I still have one in the freezer.

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