Originally posted by Peterg333:
Has anyone ever tried to smoke a prime brisket like the kind sold at Lobel's Prime Meats in New York City?
Both SmokinOkie and Tom offer great advice. Given the fact that I'm a chef, restaurant owner and have access to a wide variety of meats, I ordered a USDA Prime packer brisket (Brandt Beef) from one of my purveyors, and gave it a shot in the FEC100. My notes:
Cost was $4.95 @ lb. - more than 2x the cost of a similar USDA Choice product from the same (Brandt) source.
The external fat was a bit heavier, and deeper in-between the point and the flat. My trim loss was about 12% higher vs a Choice packer.
The flavor was very good but the net yield (flat and point, trimmed of residual fat) was 10% less than my average Choice yields.
Side note: a week later I smoked a Choice packer (Brandt) using Butchers injection and the flavor/moisture were superior to the Prime.
Like Smokin says...save the Lobels/Prime/Wagyu for the grill and perfect your brisket using Choice