All of our crowd have assorted FEC s, without probe.
I'm no expert,but I never did meet a brisket that could tell time,much less read a thermometer.
Dumb cows.

I'm sure if Eddy and Stuart are putting them on there,there is a technique,that works well.
Now,we have cooked more packers on FEC s than we like to admit,and rassled our way thru most possibilities.
A couple questions:
What are the rub instructions and what does 180* have to do with anything?
As example,without the benefit of the new probe system:
Real rough guess,if we are cooking 15-16 lb choice packers,trimmed some,at around 225*,we give a wild guess at about 70 mins/lb., to get up above 190* internal,when we first start to check it, to see if it is anywhere near close.
Might take another 5*-10*.
Like all brisket cooks,once it passes 190* see if you can pass your temp probe,or a two tined meat fork thru the flat,like butter.
If you can't,cook it a few more degrees.
I'll be travelin' tomorrow,but Smokin' and a bunch of other good brisket cooks should check in.
The probe is just new to most of us.
Works great on all the commercial units,though.
Hang in there,FEC s cook great briskets.