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Hi,gwilber.There are several good posts that go into a lot of detail,already.I'll give quick answers and you can ask if you want more.Pork butts are about the easiest and most forgiving of all you can cook.I like 6 to 7 lb.,bone in butts.The cs setting should be around 225�,but 240� won't hurt you either.Be sure your thermometer probe isn't in a fat pocket or against a bone and shoot for 190� for slicing ,and 205� for pulling.I usually check the temp. in several places to be sure,but if the bone wiggles like jello,it should be fall off the bone tender.1.25 hrs. cooking time per lb. is a good guesstimate,but it may be closer to 1.5 hrs./lb..I'd open up and check it about half way through, and if only doing one I'd use the middle or top rack in your smokette.You will probably hit a plateau between 150�-160�that may last 2 or 3 hrs.Don't worry.When it is done to suit you, double wrap it in foil and let it set for about 1/2 hr.Then enjoy.Hope this helps get you started.

Good Q 2 Ya,Tom.
Check this link out:

Pork Butt 101

You can also find it by Searching the forum.

I may not show up for everyone if you have your forum preferences not to show topics over XX days old (I posted this a while ago).

Also do a Search if you're looking for info, it's a great way to find information, even if it's hidden in the body of a reply.

Smokin Okie
It's done when it's done
Cookshack BBQ Guide Page

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