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what device are you smokin in??

check out the pork 101 archives for everything you need to know...

long story short, use a pork butt, hit it with rub of choice the night before, smoke with a couple of chunks of wood at about 225 for roughly 1.5 to 2 hrs per lb.... until the interal temp of the meat reaches 195-200.
Maybe I'm a just a slow learner but it took me 4 years to finally grasp the concept of pulled pork and what all the hoopla was about. When it is done right, there is nothing better to eat. First, get a good 5 - 7lb bone in butt,in fact get two of them, they enjoy each other's company better. Use a good commercial rub, heavy in salt....pork loves salt. Rub it and let sit overnight in the refrigerator. Prior to cooking, inject it. There are a number of pork injection recipes that you can pull up, find one that will compliment your rub and sauce. Simple version: cook to 195 - 200 meat temperature. The more than simple version: Most of my butts have been cooked on my stick burner. I cook in the 275 - 300 degree range which means my butts are done in about 5 hours. On my Cookshack 160, I cooked a butt @225 for 8 hours,after checking it, I wrapped it in foil, added about a cup of vinegar/pepper sauce, cranked the heat to 275 and cooked for an additional 2 hours. No matter what you cook on or how you cook it, the butt is not done ( I don't care what the thermometer reads ) until you can grasp the blade bone with one hand ( the other hand will be applying pressure against the butt ) and be able to twist and pull the bone out of the butt. The bone should have just a slight amount of resistance to it before releasing itsself.
It is your option whether to foil or not, some advocate against it. If you do foil, you will lose the crunchy bark on the outside. I like to foil in order to use the pepper sauce. I seem to do allright in competitions foregoing the crunchy bark.
Now comes the fun part. Once the bone has been pulled you can just take your hands and mash down on the butt and collapse it and start shredding it apart. This would be a good time to mention that the butt will be extremely hot and that you should wear a pair of insulated gloves for this little operation. Cooked properly,all the fat should have been rendered out. Fing a good sauce to compliment your rub and injection and serve on the side.
Enjoy, Darcy
Good words Darcy,

How the Cookshack working out?

My "pork butt 101" was actually an old post, guess I need to update it.

I think you and I were similar, as in years past, Okies didn't even know what pulled pork was. Certainly couldn't find it in restaurants. Took me a while too to learn, but the CS certainly makes it easier for the newbies, more like 4 smokes instead of 4 years.

I learned from experts from the Carolina's.

You have a good injection you care to share?
well I did my first butt last weekend it was 8.5lbs. I did a combo rub of CS rib rub, CS spicy chicken rub and some bone suckin sauce rib rub. Wrapped it in foil and back in the fridge for 24 hours. Took it out of the foil and placed it in a cold smoketter set at 225* for 12 hours overnight. Checked the internal temp at 12 hours and then cranked it to 250* it was plateued at 159* for a while. 8 hours later it had just hit 199* internal. I removed it from the CS and when I lifted it to place on the foil it started to fall apart. Back in the fridge for 30 min and then into the pan for pullin. Pushed down on the center the meat separated into 2 separate chunks one dark meat, one light meat and the blade popped out the side by itself. In the end it was the absolute best pulled pork I have ever had.
Smokin Okie;
The injection that I use is from Chris Lilly of Big Bob Gibsons fame. It consists of 1/2c apple juice, 1/4c water, 1/3c sugar, 1/4c salt and 2 tbls worstershire. I am repeating that from memory so I may be off on the measurements. It is the same injection that he uses in his "How to cook Pork Shoulder" video.
Your too kind with your compliments, but I'm game for any
I got to meet Chris at last years Jack Daniels World Invitational. He's a pretty cool guy, definetely a great ambassador for the promotion of barbecue.He's not too bad of a cook either. Several world championships.

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