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Thanks to Mike Rochman, I've copied part of his post over here to help "demystify" the Art of Q. For the "entire" post, go find:

Mike Rochman's Ideas about De-mystifying "Q" (about 4 responses down on the post)

One thing all you newbies and lurkers need to know. What to make good Q? Just ask, this forum gang is awesome and WILL help out.

Anyone have any other "myths"?


  • To address your statement: There is no mystique in Q...only those who won't share what they know and make you feel that without knowing ~THE~ "secrets", you can't produce good Q. Most of us who have been Qing for some time, and have selected a CS, understand the above and scoff at the myths that are shoved at newbies. For example:

  • "You can't do it without burning straight wood because you can taste the charcoal and/or the gas".

  • "If you alow your pit temp to vary more than a very few degrees, your Q is going to be inferior".

  • "If you get spikes in your pit temp, your food will dry out".

  • "Without a _______ (fill in the blank: marinade, rub, paste, mop, etc.) your Q will be unflavorful".

  • "You need to coat your ribs with mustard or olive oil and mop them or they'll dry out"

  • "If you don't rub your meat (at least) many hours before smoking, the rub (mop, paste, marinade) won't permeate the meat".

  • "Never cook above 250".

  • "Never cook below 250 because the meat will turn out tough".

  • "When you have the experience I (we) have, you'll then make Q as well as I (we) do".

What the CS does for you is remove the myths. Qers say not to cook below 225-250 simply because it's difficult to maintain. You try holding a pit at 180 without making your own coals as you go. That is a lot of work!

Original Post

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You forgot the ones about:

  • If you use a _________ smoker (insert name) you'll get better Q

  • If you use a _________ smoker (insert name) you'll get worst Q

  • If you use a Cookshack it's a lazy mans way to "Q"

  • If you use a Cookshack it can't be very good (spoken by an "expert" who's never even seen a CS)

If you use a _________ smoker (insert name) you'll get better Q
If you use a _________ smoker (insert name) you'll get worst Q
If you use a Cookshack it's a lazy mans way to "Q"
If you use a Cookshack it can't be very good (spoken by an "expert" who's never even seen a CS)

Smokin', yup. Did forget those. However, it's excusable because there are a zillion myths...each designed to make the newbie scratch his head and think, "If only I could make Q as good as him. Maybe he'll be kind enough to let me know a couple of his secrets".

It should be noted that many of the myth Qers have no life. Q IS their life. While, it's safe to say, that those of us who have opted for a CS, see this as a hobby and do have lives. We don't want to be attached to our pits by an umbilical cord.

BTW, it's Rochman. No problem. Trust me, I've been called much worse. Cool

Regards, Mike
Hey RPM, that's actually true. Have most always showered, brushed my teeth, and changed clothes after cooking. Otherwise, I can not taste the smoke.

In my zest to open the CS after cooking, I never wait the prescribed 10 minutes Thus, I'm blessed with a blast of humid smoky air every time.

And, the need to hose me off continues...

Regards, Mike

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