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I smoked baby back pork ribs for the first time in my model 50 last night. I followed the receipt from the cookshack cookbook about mixing the rib rub and the chicken rub half and half. Marinated the ribs with this rub over night and put in the smoker at 225 for around 4 hours. When I tasted the ribs they tasted pretty salty. Is this from putting on too much rub? (I really coated the ribs with the rub) Are there any better receipts for rib rub that is spicy but not really salty?

Any help would be great.

Thank you
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Well,I'm not looking at the recipe,but I'd try a couple of things.

Don't put your rub on until 1/2 hr before you are ready to cook.

There is a low meat to bone ratio,so a little seasoning goes a long way.

Taste a little of your seasoning mix,in your hand,and decide how much you might put on a thin steak,or slice of pork.

Sprinkle your slab evenly and lightly,as if it were ready to eat.

On your pork,your salt,sweet,heat ought to pretty much balance.

The chicken rub has no sugar and the rib rub,not much.

You can add a little brown sugar.

As you know,you can't take salt away.

You can taste a rib at the end of cooking and add salt to your glaze/sauce-if it needs it.

Try this and take notes.

Hope this helps a little.
My guess is that you laid a bit too much rub on. I have heard a lot of different opinions on how long rub should be left on the ribs to season them. I personally apply my rub at least 24 hours before smoking them. That's just my preference.

I give them a moderate dusting, just enough to give them a visible coating. I certainly don't apply so much rub so that there is anything rersembling a layer of rub.

I used the CS chicken spice and rib rub as a half and half mixture for my first batch of ribs too just this past weekend. I thought the flavor was pretty nice. The rib rub smells like it has a LOT of celery in it.

I usually make my own rubs though. Here is a basic rub that I always end up returning to as my staple:

1/4 cup coarse salt (kosher or sea)
1/4 cup (packed) dark brown sugar
1/4 cup paprika
3 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon dried onion flakes
1/2 to 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon celery seeds

Combine all ingredients and mix well.

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