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Maybe depends on the smoker... BUT

ON my 020 I usually put 2 8-10# PB on the lower rack rather than the top. But have done them on each. My experience is for butts it doesn't really matter. I do put the "fat cap" down to "protect" from the heat below.

Chicken seems a little more "fragile" so I use the top rack... farther away from the heating element...

All of this is probably just voodoo...

A fine cook taught me years ago to cook large bonein butts.
Stick them in the cooker.Be sure the actual cooking spot in the cooker is 225º+.

Cook until about 195º without opening the door.

Open the door,wiggle the bone and probe a few spots for tender.
If not ready,cook at least another 1/2 hr -after the cooker is back up to temp.

Check again.

When ready,foil and rest at least a couple hrs.

NO Tricks-the butts will take care of themselves. Smiler
Guys thanks fo the info. Here ya go - brain pickin for knowledge. Amount of wood- I start the cooker off with two good size chunks of wood. So you add more wood ? From what I have read the meat only takes on smoke for the first couple of hours.

Do you guys mop or spray at all?
I've never added wood, mopped, or sprayed while cooking PB in my 020. I usually use 4-6 ounces (2-3 2 ounce pieces) of Hickory, apple, or cherry (or some combo).

I would recommend starting off very basic and simple. No injection, some rub and go for it. (it'll be great). Take good notes on EVERY cook, then change things one at a time until you get a combo you like. Everyone's taste is different and you can change so many things (temp, placement, rub, foil or no foil, injection, wood flavor, amount of wood, time, two stage cook, fat up or down, etc etc etc) that it gets hard to remember what you liked and what you didn't. Change only one or two things each time, keep what you like, toss what you don't like.


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