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Mad Confused I put in two 10 pound pork butts at 5:00 set smoker at 225. By 9:00 they were up to 130. My model 55 has a 50 degree heat swing.
If I set it at 225 the high temp will be around 268 and the low temp of 218 before it starts the cycle again.
This has happened on all my smokes. At 9:00 I decided to set it at 200 degrees. Now it is cycling at 193 and respectively at 243. My pork butt on the second shelf from the bottom is 157 degrees.
From reading alot of the post I know there will be some of a heat swing. Is a 50 degree heat swing normal for the model 55.
Wouldn,t this make my unit 25 degrees off at the dial?
Every thig I smoke is getting done way to soon. Mad
I know it is done when it is done, Butt I would like to have some control over this. Smiler
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I have a model 009, and while monitoring the temp when I first got it 2 years ago, I too noticed a big temp swing. However, after reading the posts on here I came to realize that it's normal as the thermostat cycles.

I also use a temp probe in the meat itself, and that's what I use as a guide as to when it's done. In doing so I know now that my pork shoulders take between 16 and 18 hrs. Pork ribs, between 5 and 6 hrs...whole oven stuffer roasters between 4 and 5 hrs....and so on.

I've used this method ever since I started bbq'ing, and it's never failed me with the cookshack unit, or with the water smoker I used to have.

Hope this helps ....and let use know how the butts came out, and how long it took.
Smokejacker, just a couple of thougts

How many times have you cooked pork butt in the CS? And from the number of smilies in your post you're emphasizing displeasure.

So we're here to help, so hope you don't mind some random thoughts.

A "racing" pork butt isn't a problem. It will climb up pretty fast in those first few hours. Then when it gets to 160's it will sit and sit for a while.

The end result is what counts, how long and how did it come out?

As for getting done way to soon, says who? A lot of people get their butts in 2 hours per pound, but I've commented I almost always get mine at 1hr per. Am I mad because it doesn't take 2 hours per pound. Nope. I've talked many times in this forum that it's done not like a recipe on set time.

You need to take good notes and adjust to your times, your temps and your success. How you prep it, you smoker, the exact size of the meat, etc all will influence it.

As for the temp swings, I think that subject has been discussed many times, so if you want to explore that, maybe a little search and read will so you some general thoughts on the subject. Smoker has worked for 40 years with those fluctuations and we get a lot of posts about successful cooks. My thoughts -- don't worry about the fluctuations, keep it simple and let the end result tell you your success.


Here's some thoughts from a guy who did his first butts yesterday. Smokin is absolutely right on. I started 2, 9 lb butts at 9PM for a next evening get together at 225*. They "raced up" in the first 2 hours so I cut back to 200* for the nite. Something Tom has talked about. At about 7AM they were about 150* and I swapped racks, sprayed with apple juice, and reset to 225*. At 2:30PM the 1st butt was at 195*, yet the 2nd was still at 159*. I thought the 2nd probe was dead. At Tom's suggestion when I pulled out the first one I switched probes and found out it was the butt not the probe. The 1st one completed in 17.5 hours yet the 2nd one didn't get to 195* until 22 hours. I held the 1st in a cooler double foiled until eating time. Both fell off the bone and were terrific. We ate the 1st one and I saved the 2nd. A while back Smokin had suggested that I start with 2, rater than just one. Smokin, you were the lifesaver. "They got done when they got done". I think for parties I will always do 2, and have this kind of a back up. Patience and practice appear to be the key.

Good luck going forward, I'm sure having fun and lots of rave reviews. Thanks to all who came before and have written good avice.

I Just came back in from mowing and my butt is at 165. I reset the smoker to 225. At 11:00 I opened the door and rotated butts top to bottom and sprayed with apple juice.
After spending many years controling our process of curing paint on Ag. equipment I am finding it hard to let go, can you tell.
I will keep you posted on the end result.


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