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I've sure looked around here and on the internet. Seems everything I do find is for beef short ribs. I got some franken ribs at Sam's - prime angus - nice marbling. Had it marinating in some Yoshidas and my rub. Wipe that off, added more rub and put 3.8 oz apple wood in my wood box. Freshly relined smoker set at 225 (using my Maverick to track the temps - wow this is great).

So to cut to the chase how long do you think they'll need at 225 ?? I've had them going 3 hours and am gonna check for tenderness when I hit enter here. Sorry for such short notice, but shure would appreciate your advice...

Love my SM008 !!

(Update) Checked on by cut and taste method. Juicy and pretty tender, a little pink inside but not much. Here:

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Check the post just below this, Dino Beef Ribs I posted yesterday.

You need to cook it like you would Chuck Roast. 225 will take a long time (depends on weight and thickness of the ribs) but at least 6 likely more.

Me? I do a couple of hours for smoke then bump the temp up to get some reduced time. There's no magic to the 225 temp.
Thanks Smokin',

As you can see by the photo I just added they're thin, heck not even an inch thick. Been 3 hours with at least 225. Interesting having the Maverick spying on that inside temp for me - this old SM008 is a tank and it had it's hot periods there for a while. Thank goodness it's 50 out and not windy...

Again appreciate the help, especially your fast response. I'll let them go at least another hour. The meat I tried was off the top shelf, and tender.
Ok just wrapped them up in foil about 10 minutes ago. They had 5 plus hours at 225, I started spraying apple juice on them every hour the last 3 hours. This is part of dinner: the ribs, my KFC style coleslaw and buttermilk biscuits.

Where they were tender and juicy before now they are fall off the bones tender. Sorry the meat looks so dark, got a little bark going there. Oh man !! This is addicting !!

The package from Sam's called them Franken Ribs... Cross cut works for me.
Last edited by bigmikeinnj

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