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I applied a generous amount of Cookshack Rib Rub to some spares and let them sit over night. Smoked them for about 4.5 hours at 225 but they seemed kinda bland when finished. Anyone have any good home made ribs rubs? A co-worker recently recommended that I try this rub out:
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I use BRITU quite often and love it. Just a couple things to make note of.

First, the BRITU is a process for cooking ribs, not simply a "rub."

Second - Note in the recipe it says to "dust" the ribs. This "rub" is very heavy in salt. When I blend the ingredients I usually cut the salt by 1/3 to 1/2. I have used this rub on brisket as well and it's good.

Do be careful of the salt. Play around with adding your own spices to suit your own tastes.

There are plenty of other recipes for rubs on the forum. You can find them with the "find" function.

Others will chime in here as well with opinions & suggestions.

Experiment, have fun and come to the forum with questions! Big Grin

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