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Hi, guys, am new here and expecting my CS model 50 tomorrow. Am psyched and ready to break er in, but I want to get a remote temp probe that works well with the CS and doesn't cost a ridiculous amount of cash. I don't want to have to open the door to check meat internal temps.
Anyone have a great, inexpensive wireless probe they would recommend?
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Hi smoke, and welcome to the forum! The unit that I use is a TRUtemp, by Taylor I think. About 14.00 at Target. Don't make the mistake that I made by buying a Polder..I went through three of them in three months when I first started, and I tried every "trick" suggested on this Forum from hot oil to heat shrink tubing. My TRUtemp hasn't missed a beat in two years and the only thing I would recommend is applying a six inch length of heat shrink tubing over the probe/wire connection. Stay away from any dual probe models, the Temp fluctuations in the cooker will drive you crazy and they don't mean a thing at the low temps that you will be cooking at. Congratulations!
tru temp has worked well for us and the price is right.
i also have a maverick but i use that to keep my sanity and to resist the urge to open the door and just fiddle about. so at times i will walk off just to see how far it will transmit.
my bbq has improved greatly with this technique Wink
Hey, thanks guys! The TRUtemp by Taylor sounds like the ticket to me. The price is right and Target is just my style. Ok, now what is this heat shrink tubing? Where would I get that and how do you apply it? Will the heat of the smoker shrink it on correctly or do you do it another way?
I bought a polder and it hasn't failed yet but these guys have been smokin longer than I. But also found and bought a Weber for $30.00 which has a remote read out with a separate sending unit. I've found it to be nice to be placed on the counter, next to the TV remote during the games or even next to the bed if it's an all night smoke. Although we all get the urge to go look at the CS, it is nice in the winter to not have to go outside to check a temp.
Well, I've got the CS! Delivered at 5, curing at 6, heading to Sams today for some meat.

Question: Do briskets and butts cook at the same length of time if they are equal weight?

Also, how much can you cook in the Model 50 at one time (5 interior racks). Can you fill each rack, even though that may take you over the weight stated in the owners manual?

Butts and briskets?

Kinda like blondes and redheads.

What kinda each are we discussing, and then, briskets have a mind of their own.

I'd suggest reading Smokin's bbq guides at the page top and then archives on each.

I'm not usually too concerned with recommended weights in the cooker.

Shape of the meat and what you are trying to accomplish are more of a consideration.
Costco in there business stores (and online for more slightly $$) has a remote sensing thermometer for $12. I bought my second yesterday. Temperature range from freezing upto about 400 degrees.

As long as you are just using your thermo in your CS for meat temperature the shrink tubing sounds like a good idea. But if you want to measure dry oven temps, you might end up with goo in the bottom.

I seasoned my 009 last night and periodically checked the oven temp which varied about 20-25 degree plus or minus from the 200 degree curing temperature most of the time within. Which is fine for what we are after.

But if you are looking for an internal temperature of 190 for pulled something. 225 may take you a long while to get there.
Sorry, Tom, I was talking about a bone in shoulder, not a picnic for the butt and a choice brisket.

Well, I did a rack of ribs last night, after reading alot of posts I left them in 6 hours and they were a bit dry. Am doing another rack today, I'll leave this rack on about 4.5 and see how they are.

Anybody making their own rubs? I'm looking for a KC style rib rub I can make myself. If you don't mind sharing, I'd love to try your recipe.

Oh, I got the Taylor trutemp at Target. 16 bucks, and seems real decent.
Only problem I've had with my TruTemp is NOT at the probe end.. rather at the mini-jack end. I've been leaving mine outside and it seems that there is a bit of oxide that builds up on the jack.. so, when I turn it on.. I get a "LO TEMP" even if the inside of the meat is at 150 or so. I accidentally found it out when I picked it up and it read the meat temp. A little contact cleaner fixed it.. Smiler
Mornin' Snoke,

Seems like most of the folks on here agree that bone in large butts could take up to 2 hrs/lb.

This is at 225� and taking up to near 200� internal.

Smaller butts may not always fit the pattern,as time ,at low heat, is what is breaking down collagen and rendering fat.

Our choice packers come tender at less time and lower temps/lb than our choice flats.

Thus brisket could range from 45 mins/lb to 2 hrs.

Hope this helps a little.

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