I had a fan go out on me this weekend at a comp I was at in Kentucky. My FEC worked fine all night long until about 6:00 am. I noticed my fire was dropping and I am pretty in tune with my FEC. I opened the door and realied the fire was just smoldering. Couldn't get it going properly, even after emptying the pot. Reached under to see if the pot fan was still working and it wasn't. I had to switch all of my meat over to my FE that I use only for my ribs...
Well, to make a long story short, I spoke with Stuart on Saturday to ask some questions. This was after I had talked with Eddy on Friday evening. But how cool is that, that you can talk to these guys about problems. Now I must admit, this is the first problem that I have had with any of my cookers and I cook a bunch on these pits. I have been a FE owner since 2001 and I have had my FEC for 3+ seasons. So it's not like I have problems over the years. They are solid cookers.
So I just wanted to thank Stuart for taking time out to save me last weekend and for getting my cooker ready for this weekends contest. Thanks also go out to Eddy. If you have never talked to him over the phone, he usually knows exactly what is going on.
So thanks guys.
Oh, BTW that contest I was cooking in last weekend. I am happy to report that I went on to win the GC. Pellet cookers are the tops!
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