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Thanks for all the input last night with regard to my new cs and overdoing it for the first time(butts,brisket,ribs,chicken and sausage). Yall had some really good advice and probably kept me out of the fire. I have decided to tone down by just doing some briskets all night and then baby backs Sunday am before the guest arrive. Ill throw some sausage and skinless chicken breast on the weber. By the way,, the man in the big brown truck delivered th cs tonight and i will season tomorrow night to get ready for this weekend.
Much appreciated info!!!!!!
Lickin de chops in Baton Rouge!!
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goooooood decision! Now then: what kind of brisket are we talking about? Whole packer trim? Flat only? what weight? And what time is chow time on Sunday? Reason I ask is that if you cook flats starting night before, they will likely be done (reach 200 internal) sometime the next morning... then you would have to hold them til, what 6pm? that's a long hold. I find flats in the CS take only about an hour a pound, given a 6-8 lb flat at 225. A whole brisket would go longer, then could be held nicely wrapped in foil, then towels, in a cooler. I have held for as much as 3-4 hours and they stay hot (well over 140). If it's a flat, just start off really late the night before, like midnight or later, at 200 degrees. then see where you are in the morning. is this helping or confusing???
Thanks for the info. not real sure what type of brisket. I assume a couple of 8-10 # whole. Plan to marinate friday and into saturday with plans to put on saturday night,take off Sun am hold, will have marinated ribs sat night for smokin sunday when briskets are holding for a planned 1 oclock feast!! Maybe not exactly the times but in general the idea....

Lickin de chops.....

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