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I have recently seen many posts about how people are much more satisfied when they use the rib hooks that Cookshack sells for its smokers as compared to just laying the slabs on the racks.
Among the many reasons given, the most popular is that many feel the ribs are more evenly cooked as compared to the three or four diffrent levels you have when you place them on the racks.
So, I went to the section of the website to see how to order them and it says that they " are not recommended for Smokette models"
Does anyone know why?
I usually have to shorten the slabs in order to get them to lay down flat without touching the sides of the smoker so if it is a problem with the length, wouldn't it work with shorter slabs??
I guess what I'm wondering is, if there is a problem with the way the Smokette is made where it is impossible to use the hooks at all.
very interesting.....
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Yea, just cut the ribs in half, and incert the hooks so the top of the rib is close to the top rack, and does not touch the smoker box.
I have smoked ribs both ways, and I now prefer using the hooks. 4 hours at 225, and they are just about "fall off the bone". I have used up to 8 hooks in my 008.
Born Hungry,

I have a CS55 and use the hooks that were delivered with the smoker. I have tried the hooks and smoking the ribs flat. I prefer the hooks. My opinion only, the juices that come out of the ribs while cooking runs down over the other ribs and helps tenderize them and all that good rub doesn't go to waste. Big Grin

When hooking the ribs I never put foil on them for further cooking, only to hold and put in a cooler waiting for dinner .


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