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I find that I only like about 10-20 percent of the recipe's in any given cook book, however, I just picked up the Ribs,Ribs,Ribs book by Steve Raichlen. A small paperback from Borders I think. WOW, almost every single rib recipe in the book sounds amazing.

I am in the middle of trying the china town ribs, they are almost done marinating. They are supposed to be like the purple colored appetizer ribs from most chinese reataurants. Steve says that, when smoked, these ribs are amazing,,,,,I cant wait.

anyways,,,,check this book out if you are in the mood for some good ideas for new flavors and methods.
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Waldo, I agree with you about Ribs, Ribs, Ribs...and most all of Reichlin's books, for that matter. My next Reichlin adventure is the 'mint' ribs.

My family, and probably others, think I'm a little nuts anyway, I'm usually reading a cookbook of some sort all the time. Just finished Bob Mills book, Peace, Love and Barbecue, which I enjoyed a lot and from which I picked up a few good tips. Mike
I'm thinking multiple variations within a single smoking session and then you've got a smorgaasbord!! I bought a full pork loin yesterday...same price as a bone in ham, so I figured I could do something with it! Price was right anyway...and I think I'll divide it and try three different recipes at once.

Gonna butterfly at least one and re-roll it up with a 'filling.' Thinking of injector marinade on another, and then bacon wrapped on the third. Can't be bad, huh?!?? I'll let you know how things turn out.
quickie update: I did cut the long loin into three sections and did the following:

One section I butterflied by thirds, used a mustard, brown sugar, and whiskey 'slather' on it and let it marinate overnight.

Second section I wet marinated in a Mike Mills Apple marinade, with rosemary.

Third section I injected with apricot preserves.

Number's one and two were great. Number three, with the apricot, no big deal.

Oh yeah, I trimmed the apple marinated section of all silver skin and fat, and tied bacon all around it. I bacon'ed the apricot one, too.

I tied all three up in compact packages. I have pictures, if I knew how to upload them!

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