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Ok im happy and nervous. Got my real, first paid gig. 75 people retirement party. Im comfotable with pulled pork,brisket,but chicken and ribs is what they want. What is the best way to serve. I have a FEC and i am thinking cooking, freezing, and thaw night before reheat on cooker trnsfer to pan to hot holder day of? Should i cut the bones cold then reheat in pans? Chicken i thought cook day of event only?? ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED. other advice as well.
Thanks Jdawg
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Are we talkin' chicken, ribs and sides for each plate? If so, I would plan on 3 folks for each rack plus 1/4 chx plus sides. If Chx or ribs figure 2 people per rack or 1/2 chx. Either way, keep 10% extra on hand.

75 plates....first job? I say precook ribs, grill/glaze onsite. Do the chicken there if at all possible (should only take about an hour of cook time). Good luck, and have fun.
Heres a little background. Cooked my first BBq about 25 years ago. Since i have hosted plenty of cooks pulled pork,pulled chicken,brisket the easy meats to me and sides etc. Always cooked ribs day of held several hours. I have warmed ribs of our cooks to eat myself always good just on a larger scale was not sure of best way. Precook sounds perfect then finish. I talked with them and it is both not either or. 1/4 chickens and ribs. All men and couple woman.
They said just be fair you were recomended.
Kinsam thats about what i thought at least 4-6 bones each St louis and 1/4 chicken per and plenty of slaw,beans and corn fritters.
Having only done 3 catering gigs, I am not an expert nor do I play one on tv, but here's what I do. I cook everything ahead of time, vacuum seal, ice bath, freeze. A day or so prior to the cook I pull from the freezer to thaw. The day of the event, all I do is set up the turkey fryer with water,and when they hit the boiling stage, pull and open them and put the meat in chafing pans inside my FE set on smoke to keep warm (I use heavy duty saran wrap to hold in moisture) and pull the meat and put it in the chafing rack as it is needed.
So far, this method has satisfied Miss Idaho, Caldwell night rodeo participants (who chuckled at a pellet smoker), and a large COSTCO party. Just double seal the vacuum bags and don't let them sit and boil or they will open on you.
Good luck,
Jdawg: do this type of quantity all the time... with a smokette and some weber kettles!

two ways: One is to do the ribs first, then the chicken, day of event. Other is to do ribs in advance, then chicken day of event. both are entirely possible.

You'll need no more (probably less) than a third of a rack pp, plus quarter chicken. OK.

So 25 racks can be done in one round in a FEC, yes? When cooked, they can be wrapped several to a pack in double foil, and fridged, and reheated in an oven (closed) the next day. Or, they can be held for several, even 4-5 hours, no problem, in double foil and towels in coolers, day of event. So do the ribs one way or the other.

Then you do maybe 20 chickens in what, 2 loads? day of event. Two rounds of cooking, at about 1 to 1.5 hours per round. Done!
Not sure of your smoker's capacity. But, I would do both the day of the event at the same time. If you have the time and capacity--not sure if it is a hobby or if you run a place too, like myself. Time is not as plentiful for those of us that run an establishment and cater. Just something to consider. But remember, you will probably have more time in it "as a whole", if you have to do it in two runs.
Fresh is always best and doing 2 "runs" in a smoker versus 1. I would do 1. Just time it so every thing comes off about the same time. Chicken Quarters are your best bet unless you have promised white meat, too.
4 ribs and a 1/4 chicken plus sides is alot of food to eat, not prepare. There are those that will not eat some of both---remember to make them pay for ALL the food--up front--, that way if it all is not comsumed you don't get stuck.
I wish you ALL the sucess in the world!
Owner/Operator of "Zeb's"-Arden,NC.
Will you be plating or will everything be put out buffet style? I noticed at several buffet style events that the ribs went fast and the chicken was still there. Especially the men seemed to go for the ribs until they were all gone.
A question: How do you handle situations like that?

Good luck, Jdawg.
Good question peggy. I told them best to have a server either us or people from your place. I have seen the same thing with ribs. Or get the companys permission to place a serving sign. Two ribs and i chicken each please. I had one cater co tell me just yesterday. Explain ribs are tuff the best thing is to get them to pay for plenty of ribs etc. They will be glad you showed them the way. They also said make a add list with prices above the origanal cost. This way bring ribs or whatever cold then if you see you will need them have the person in charge get a check yes onsite payment.Heat them up and everyone is happy. My friend said it is always best to make a LITTLE less and have a little too much food!!
Great idea, Jdawg. I've seen people completely run out of ribs and still have pans and pans of chicken. I need help figuring out how to do contracts. Is that best done by getting legal advice or do you just trust yourself?
Has anyone seen a good contract form to download?

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