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I usually get the Sams club 3 pack of ribs and have been happy with them so far. I was at wally world a couple days ago and came across a couple single packs of spares in cryovac. I picked these up and when taking the first out of the pack I noticed they are "enhanced with up to a 10% solution." I am doing up this rack like normal, but was wondering if anyone else has tried these from walmart? They are Excel brand. They look decent enough. I rubbed them tonight for tomorrows smoke. I have a fair amount of salt in my premixed rub.. After doing a search and reading I think maybe I might have been better off to wait until just before popping them in to rub.

Anyway, anyone ever had these Excel ribs from walmart?
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I have never cooked nor hope to ever cook enhanced ribs. But yes, I would agree with you that I would have waited until about an hour before you would put the ribs on to rub them up.

But since you haven't, lets see what happens. Please come back and let us know. There is at least one comp team who does quite well with enhanced ribs.
If you want to learn more about this type of packaging, do a search for " tumbled ribs "
That is the name that is sometimes used for ribs that are injected with up to 10% solution.
I agree with most that you are basically cooking up something that is probrably going to taste alot like ham. It is similar to brining I guess, however, when you brine you usually smoke and eat the meat soon after the brine. These things stay on the shelf for lord knows how long. I contacted a few BBQ joints in my area and asked where they get their meat from and soon was contacting a butcher in the neighbooring town. I have had quality ribs ever since.... you may want to try that route.
Thats the first time I heard of tumbled ribs. I will look in to that, but I think down the road I will just shy away from them. I have had such good luck with the ribs at Sams I will probably just buy those for now, unless they change them. Im not a fan of my local butchers customer service or quality, so I have to go one town over to another place that treats me like they want my business and the meat is excellent. I get my side meat for bacon from them as well as all my chops. Their ribs are pretty expensive which is why I havent tried them yet. I try to give my business to the little guy when possible.

I will post again with how todays smoke goes.

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