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The other day I picked up a 2 pack of loin backs...a brand I haven't used in awhile. Being short on time and wanting to try them for dinner that night I loaded a charcoal chimney with Cowboy lump charcoal, fired it up and proceeded tp process the ribs. time to let rub do it's magic so I sprinkled 'em with Kosher salt and black pepper. Threw 'em on my Kingsford charcoal pit (offset) with a cpl hunks of Hickory and adjusted for a 275ish heat.

Dinner time - ribs looked great...had a nice bark crust, a little smoke ring and I ate them plain. As Andy Taylor used to say, "MMMMMMmmmmm"

Moral of the story, sometimes plain & simple beat out "muss n fuss" ribs. All I tasted was moist tender pork. Not a bad thing.
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