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Very first smoke today. 7.68# butt, salt and pepper, set at 225*, 2 oz. hickory, nearly 20 hours. Didn't open the door once. Probe only got to 193*, but had to pull it. Great bark, and, as shown, fell off the bone. Other than the wait, really simple. Tomorrow, RIBS!


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When you guys are cooking butts for 18+ hours and letting the temps get over 195, does the meat not dry out. I have always cooked mine to thermapen 185 for 12-15 hours and they have been out of this world juicy. About a year ago I cooked one for 17 hours and it got to 194-197 and when I tried it, I have to say it seemed over cooked,and dryer the the 185 butts.
Thanks for the comments, guys. You know you're a "foodie" when you take and share pictures of what you cook.

@Brown274: Perhaps this was just a really good cut, but even at 193* (assuming my probe was right), the meat was moist (it rested 15 min. b/f we pulled it). We tried some of SmokinOkie's apple juice sauce, but it didn't need anything. I was pulling cold pieces from the frig, even as I headed for bed.
Congrats, looking forward to the rib report.

Cooking temps. There will always be controversy about what temps.

I say try it and go for what works for you.

For me, sliceable is between 180 and 190
I never pull below 195.

But there are always disclaimers if you want to be precise. The outer portion will always pull easy at the lower range, but notice the inside. The big musles will not pull apart easy. That's why most shoot for 195 to get all the meat to pull easy, including the big muscles.

Just keep notes and follow them for a couple of cooks and you'll improve your own methods. Shoot, what do WE know about your cooking, I've never tasted it Wink
Originally posted by Gem:
My first cook took 21 hrs with two butts to 194. I have on 4 now and it seems to be going faster. I'm at 15 hrs and 189. It might be because I am cooking a full load or if the cooker is cooking faster with a few cycles. This is the 3rd cook. Cool

I think it has to do with the seasoning of the cookshack. As it seasons the cracks that lose heat and such fill up and stabilize the temps.
Originally posted by dmevis:
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:

For me, sliceable is between 180 and 190
I never pull below 195.

I am new to this "sport".
Can you please tell me what you mean by "sliceable"?

Pullable is when you can just take your hands or forks and pull the butt apart into small pieces whereas sliceable is where the butt is still firm enough to slice up without falling apart. Let it rest pretty good before this though. Smiler
demevis,the slicing answer was right on.

Some areas of the country just like sliced pork.

In other areas,like the Fl chains,they like the speed and the yield.

They will cook faster ,to just above 170º,and slice.

It cooks away less,takes less time,and requires less skilled labor.

A lot of the old southeastern pit places liked to cook into the 180º+ range and chop with a cleaver.
Originally posted by Tom:

A lot of the old southeastern pit places liked to cook into the 180º+ range and chop with a cleaver.

Some of the joints I've been to go to 165-170 then chop then smoke again. I have not the words for how much I hate this technique. Makes dark brown wirey hairs of some of the pork. AAAACK! Eeker
I usually place my butts in between 6-8pm on friday. Pull them, vinegar sauce them, double wrap them in foil and then a towel and place in a starfoam cooler for transit to Indiana Football games. Seldom check the temps anymore because the Smokette takes great care of that for me. This week I'll be switching gears and doing some pastrami and smoked ham bean soup. See, us 'northern folk' can tailgate with the best of ya!

Happy Q'in!

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