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Haven't done one of these in a while, so let's hear from the forum gang.

Who is out there and tell us about you and what you like to Q.

I would especially like to hear from Lurkers and those afraid to post. It's good to see lurkers post after "watching" for a year or so, but don't be afraid. We nor I won't bite (unless you post in the wrong place) Wink
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PrestonD here...

I have a Brinkmann Electric smoker and a WSM and I post here cause the folks on this Forum and at Cookshack are so nice and informative and their tips on electrical smokers were a great source when I got started.

I try to achieve nirvana on ribs and brisket as my challenges. I got chicken, turkey and pork sholder and butts pretty much down.

Preston Davenport
aka PrestonD
Ken here !

I'm fairly new to "Q", but I'm gettin the hang of it thanks to ya'll here on this forum.

I'm using a gas fired Brinkmann water smoker..but for the's workin for me fine. Someday...a Cookshack !

I've done a shoulder, a butt...both came out great. Also alot of chicken thighs, some turkey thighs. So far it's all come out pretty good...think I'm on a roll here !

As I write this message...I'm tendin to about 8lbs of pork ribs. Some with rub, and tryin some with just a little Adobo and some ground pepper.

Gettin ready for the Patriots/Jets game (go Pat's). Once the ribs are done, (and they'll be done when they're done)...gonna throw on some chicken thighs for a couple of hours. Can't have too much "Q" ya know !

Made a batch of Rendevous BBQ beans, and some dirty rice to go with it all. Should be quite a Sunday afternoon.

Thanks for all the input....happy "Q"ing


Hi to all, until about 3 weeks ago I used a Brinkman Charcoal/water smoker, and I loved the results. Now have a Smokette and have only made poultry, a beef and a pork roast. Looking to do a butt in the near future and a brisket shortly after. So far everything came out great, thanks to all that have answered questions in the past and in the future.
Dave Zerfoss
Friedens PA
Present and accounted for. I find that I cook more meals in my CS than I do in my oven or on my stove. The CS is absolutely perfect for urban dwellers like myself. I have had great success with cooking pork but, chicken, turkey, and brisket (although I'm still getting used to the idea of bbq beef--I was brought up in a pork family). When I'm not queing, I am usually brewing.
It's been a while so I thought I'd check in. I cook on a pellet smoker but come here just to keep Smokin' on his toes. I've cooked BBQ in about half the States and I'm heading for the other half in the spring. For now I'll be in Lakeland, Florida staying warm. Am I going to see a Cookshack team in Shreveport?
DrBBQ, thanks for checkin' in. You're not "callin' out" CS are you. I understand from Stuart that there will be a team. There would have been one in Minnesota, but a Family Emergency superceded the team's participation.

Stuart...what's the word?

Guess I'll have to go to the Oklahoma State Fair and pass on your challenge DrB.

Hello everybody, spend most of the time lurking and learning. I' ve got a trailered logburner, weber kettle and a old smoky grill. I do alot of competition and some catering. There is a lot of knowledge and help for everyone, no matter what their smoking preference. I check the forum nearly everyday to just see what Andi might have wrote for us.

I'm here. I've been putting my Smokette through its paces for the past month. I'm hooked on ribs but I smoked some Wild-Red Saukeye several weeks ago and that could change my mind.

Just wanted to thank you for all your quick and informative post. Special mention goes to Andi who lurks on this site with good info on salmon. Last but-not-least is all the forum members who add character and quality to the reading.

Man, this is kinda fun sharing a new hobby interest and learning at the same time.

Honestly, my first passion is fishing but I can't remember the last time I brought home anything as good as a slab of smoked ribs.


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