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We have had some treads on keeping pork chops,loins,and tenderloins moist and tender.

I advocated getting pork off the heat by 140� internal,especially big chunks of loin that may rise another 5�-8�.

Here are some comments from Ray Basso's forum by our own drbbq and others.

Posted by Nature Boy on September 10, 2003 at 07:40:02:

In Reply to: Rare pork question posted by Cndn Mike on September 09, 2003 at 21:02:37:

As folks below have confirmed, 137 is safe. A majority of the population has been brainwashed because they ate chalk white pork chops growing up. My mother always talked about pork and "worms" and was always wondering if she cooked it enough even though it was white all the way through. Food psychology is extremely interesting, and I think it will be quite some time before the public is educated enough to look at a pork with a pink center and not wonder if it will make them deathly ill. Like Ray said below, he loves rare pork, but his guests don't. I doubt that will change anytime soon. The general population is pretty resistant to change....especially when it comes to food hangups.

Personally, I cook lean pork to 140-145 which gives me a blush pink center. I wish there were a way to color it white so I would not have to reassure my guests that it is okay.


Posted by drbbq on September 10, 2003 at 07:12:34:

In Reply to: 170 is 'by the book' posted by JC on September 10, 2003 at 07:03:16:

Your book has bad/old info. It (170) used to be the Government guideline but no longer is. I don't have time to look it up but it's considerably lower now.

I cook at the National Pork Board cookoff every year and they require 137. That means the meat is safe at 137. Hospital safe, no bugs to hurt your kids or anyone else. This is according to the scientists, not the lawyers. I know which one I trust.

It's hard to get people past what they've always "known" and there is a lot of printed material with bad/old info out there.

What does your thermometer say about rare beef?
Posted by drbbq on September 09, 2003 at 21:15:34:

In Reply to: Rare pork question posted by Cndn Mike on September 09, 2003 at 21:02:37:

Pork is safe at 137 degrees and I think you'll find that to be pretty rare. I love rare pork but guests usually don't. I'm not sure a pork steak is the best choice as a little rendering is a good thing. Try a loin chop or tenderloin.

Posted by Boomer on September 10, 2003 at 06:48:08:

In Reply to: Rare pork question posted by Cndn Mike on September 09, 2003 at 21:02:37:

Items such as loin should definitely be cooked no more than rare @ 140 deg. Ditto big thick juicy chops.

One thing I have learned from Alton Brown, and which has improved my cooking of all rare meats , and turkeys, is that meat continues to cook when you take it off the cooker/grill. Therefore to get truly rare meat (or avoid over cooking a turkey or other large cut) the meat should be removed when internal temp is about 5 deg. below target point, covered and allowed to finish off the cooking surface. This is where the digital thermometer is really handy, as otherwise its very difficult to do this.

Well,what do ya'll think?
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