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Hi All!!
Just fired up the new SM009 that I received yesterday. Seasoned it with three 2 oz chuncks of hickory that came with it. I have a crate&barrel digtal threm that I put under a pan of water in the center rack. I set the temp on the SM009 via the decal on the unit to 200 deg.. Nice smoke after about 30 minutes but the reading on my digital therm read only 150 deg. I jacked the SM009 up to full throttle to 250 decal reading. After a few hours I'm oscillating between 177 deg to 195 deg no where close to 250 deg as indicated on the dial. Most recipes I've read call for a 195 deg final temp so i think I'm alright?? I want to calibrate the Crate&Barrel therm against my Thermapen which I belive to be dead on after I'm done with the initial burn. Any comments on if this is normal and if am I good to go ????

Thanks Wild Willie
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Make sure the therm reads 32*F in ice water and 212*F in boiling water. You should always check therms this way. Another therm, even a thermopen, can be off.

When you are sure you have a good therm, take the racks and shelves out and leave the woodbox in empty. Dangle the probe down through the smoke hole (it will fit) until the tip is hanging a little above midway. Turn up the Smokette full blast. After about 30 minutes or so, start writing down the temp readings every 15 minutes for at least 2-3 hours. If it does not average at least 250*, call CookShack customer service monday morning.

Yeah, couple of things to check.

1. Therms. Always check the temps. My thermapens are almost foolproof, but I check them too.

2. Extension cord. This has been a problem for some, running it on too long and too thin a cord.

I know it's too late now, but I've always tried to tell people to season their smoker during the week. That way, if a call is needed to Customer Service, you can get immediate assistance.

I'd load it up with wood, set it on 250 and let it go for another day, extra seasoning won't hurt and maybe it needs some burn in time???
Thanks for the advice. I checked my probes and they are fuctioning properly. I'm going to give it another run today and will see what the average temp is at the 250 setting. I just bought a brand new 15' yellow jacket extension cord (Has a LED in the plug so you can tell if you have power). I guess If I still have problems I can try striaght into an oulet.
OK totally different results today! Loaded three 2oz pieces of Hickory and turned her on full throttle 250 deg. She climbed to 258 "yes" then backed down to 217. Started to climb and at 230 "POOFF!!" I mean this scared the liven you know what out me. A big ole puff of smoke and the sound like when you launch a mortar on the 4th of July. Now I know why the heavy duty latch. This took it to 291 deg in a second now she's backing off to 248. Sounds as if I justed needed to run her a few times. How often do you get the fireworks Wink
Good job. So, what is the average temp?

I have had the sonic boom a few times. Every time has been when the smoker is full blast (mine averages around 235*) and not much in it.

There is no kind of Q or meat you can't cook at an average temp of 250* and have excellent results. 250* is low and slow.


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