I'm certainly no expert/guru about this brisket stuff,but have been the" grunt" for some pretty good cooks.
I watched and figured out that different cooks cooked in different places,and had access to different levels/quality of briskets.
Judges seemed to look for different presentations than the cooks now look for.
There is a feller ,tied closely to Cookshack ,that some of you old guys around OK/TX might have heard of.They have some OK restaurants that did fine and produced some sauce that many of the old guys,like Smokin'Okie,bigwheel,Fast Eddy,drbbq knew well.Guy named Paul something that won most of the big cook-offs-some of them a couple times.
He had not a real packer,but something trimmed across the top for these OK restaurants,and he sorted thru all the cases until he got just the right ones.Hanging around over the years with John and Trish Trigg,they had that same trim.Must be an OK/TX thing.
Now he split them up and damned if the "fool" didn't cook up around 275º.Still don't know why,since he filled a box with straight across slices.
Some of you folks go up to Ponca probably eat at the bbq joints.
Now when drbbq had me follow Fast Eddy around and see if I could get smart,damned if he didn't do the same thing,except he kept me cooking slo/lo.
Now FE was dominating the brisket cooks in those days and damned if I could figure it out.
drbbq just said "follow around behind Eddy and listen,because he don't even know all he knows".
Now the co-cook and I been doing that for about 15 years and all I have figured out is Eddy adjusts the contests and his meats to what is necessary.Eddy was hauling an FEC 500 and tried to explain that the rotisserie cooked great with packers splitup,but being a country boy,I just nod my head.

Smokin'Okie cooks on one of them,so he can probably explain what is going on.All I can tell ya is FE is still hard to beat head to head on a brisket.
Not that ya'll care about us "grunts",but I never got smart enough to divide my packers.
Oh yeh,that Paul feller is named Schatte and he cooks for a place called Head country.