So I am now the proud owner of an SM260 after it arrived safely from the US to Melbourne.
menu testing has been going great until tried short ribs the other day and they unfortunately came up short (sorry). Wondering if anyone had any advice.
They were big slabs of the whole rib from a very good free range farm, so no problem with the meat. Cut them into individual ribs (about 7 inches long, 2 inches tall), applied a good rub and mopped and foil wrapped them after 3 and a half hours when they had reached 170C. Took them out when they hit 180C, but the fat and collagen hadn't really melted at all. So took them up to 190C (five and a half hours cook time) but there was still too much fat, collagen and to be honest they just weren't as tender as I was hoping for.
Any feedback welcome. Thinking I should have kept them in for longer, but then most recipes seem to say fat etc should be melting at 190C.
Thanks guys
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