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Hey Ya'll ...... I was looking thru back postings for some info on doing shrimps in the CS cookers...... found some VERY old posts for shrimps in the #16 range (1 oz per) but am looking to do #8's - 2 oz per. AT the time, Stuart (CEO) recommended 200 for 40 min and 1 oz of wood ..... Ya'll think this holds true for shrimps twice that size ? Be kind - I'm a newbie and trying to do my homework brfore my machine arrives ........
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You may find that not everything in life is meant to be cooked low and slow.

I'd guess you will need to cook several mini batches of shrimp and see about what suits you -timewise.

Once you find what suits you,keep good notes.

In a small Cookshack,each time you open the door could add 1/2 hr cookingtime.

This is a lot,if you are only cooking product 30-40 mins.

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