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So my health dept inspector wants me to put stickers on my 3-comp. sink (wash, rinse, sanitize). Anybody have any idea where I can get these things?

Incidentally, I'm not a very active member here, but I opened my carry-out joint two Mondays ago and am busier than sh*t without having done any pre-opening advertising. Good thing I went for the 250. Kudos to Cookshack and to the forum members for helping me out with some important questions along the way.

Nick Barnes
Upper Sandusky, Ohio
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Your post caught my eye. I was a manager for a county park system that had food service. It seem�s that a lot of county employees have an ego problem. I would just type up 3 different pages of �Wash, Rinse and Sanitize� and tape them above each sink. Make them a big bold print because, some one has figured out a min size req that would be legal. Then tell them to leave you alone. Don�t let them intimidate you. Keep on smoking.
man, sounds like you are up against a bunch of buttheads. you might want to try to make friends with your inspector..haha. "eco-lab" is probably the biggest supplier of dish chemicals. they can provide you with the labels if you have a dealer near you. good luck with the inspector. sounds like they are gonna come up with some kind of crap every time. you might argue some of them if you haven't any employees.
hit the wrong button sorry
to continue:
if the code reads with words like suggested or recommended it carries no weight whatsoever as that is all it is, a recommendation. the words you are looking for are "shall" and "will". those carry the full force of law. i learned this lesson running an engineering department for 14 years before going to culinary school.
that being said if you stand your ground to hard you run the risk of this guy nit picking you to death so watch how you phrase things.
myself i would get them to give me a copy of the regulation and then for sure just to keep the guy happy i would take jackrussel's advice and handprint the 3 labels in 12" letters with a black sharpie and laminate that.
be sure to get the copy and document that with a letter of thanks. from this you can establish a pattern on this guy for later use in a harrassment law suit if needed.
My health dept provided me with a sheet of heavy paper with a 3-D picture of a 3 compartment sink and each labeled. She told me to stick it on the wall somewhere near the sink! Easy peasy! Also a good health dept...they wanted new businesses!

Now I am in Macon County NC, known as the hardest, strictist county in NC! Asked if I could run an approved water hose from the city supply to my city supply on my concession trailer if set up permanent...nope! But why, I asked..."cause it's the rule" But there is no difference..."can't because it's the rule"! Why is the rule that way..."don't know but that's the rule". They actually admitted that some of the rules don't make sense but that "they have to go by the rules"!

When I saw this little 28 year old inspector pop around the corner to talk to me it looked like "Miss over zealous" had just eaten a lemon! I got the impression she doesn't want anymore new businesses in her county...that might give her more work...heard she wrote up a hot dog cart for cutting his onions at home...maybe the rule was broken but gads give me a break!

I'll bet every inspector in every dept of every city and state break the rules when they drive a vehicle every darn day!

Because of her I am not going to open my bbq in Macon County, NC! No-way!

Oh and the killer is that the director is friends of my friend and we both went into the office and sat with him too! He just listened! What a wimp!
Sherpa, I hope that is the only requirement the dept. asks of me! We're just starting this. Just sent in the forms to the state....Best of luck to you! I like the idea of just making your own labels. Did they say they had to be a certain size or anything? I would think nice and bold with a washable finish would satisfy them. And saying "thank you for helping me fit with the code requirements", would be a nice touch. In my current work, I must be inspected by the state for mammography standards, which are very strict. And if you show that you want to learn more about meeting and exceeding their requirements, they are more than happy to help.
cap'n pete,
after reading your reply i will never whine about the state of florida inspectors ever again Cool
the ones that i have met in st johns county have all been professional and more than willing to help you work around any problems and we are the fastest growing county in florida so i know they have to be overworked

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