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I am a new owner of an FEC120. I have tried different woods and low temps to get a smokier flavor but not quite enough. I notice that some folks are adding additional wood somewhere in the smoker to get a smokier flavor. Since this is a pellet smoker would some wood chips go into the box that the pellets burn in? Any help would be appreciated.

Last Chance
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Last Chance,

Congrats on a great smoker. I have used a Amazn Pellet Smoke Tube placed inside the firepot door with great results. I came from stick burners and at first I thought that my 120 produced meat lacking smoke flavor. As time has gone by, I find that the subtle smoke of the 120 is a much better tasting food. If I want a little more pronounced smoke flavor I break out my Amazn Tube and smoke the first two hours at 180 to 200 and then up the temp until finished. Keep us posted.


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