For turkey, check out this link, it's a pretty good start about Turkey in a CS.
Turkey 101Heres a quote from 101:
According to FSIS (Food Safety Information Service) -- Whole turkeys that weigh 12 POUNDS OR LESS are the recommended size for safe smoking. A larger turkey remains in the "Danger Zone" - between 40� F and 140� F - too long.
Here's what they recommend for smoking something over 12 lb's.
If a larger turkey has been mistakenly purchased, detach the dark meat sections (leg and thigh portions) from the breast and smoke the turkey parts separately. This procedure should result in the best possible results.
I'm not sure if a 20lb'er will fit in a CS. I never did one that big in my smaller CS's, so you might check it for fit if you haven't. Make sure you have room around the sides for the heat and smoke to rise. And as big as it is, you'll have to put it on the bottom grate and that's right next to the firebox.
We had a lengthy post about times, but didn't cover a 20lb'er.
Turkey Times About the only reason I'd finish on the grill would be to crisp up the skin, not to finish cooking. Too long on the gas grill and smoke people will tell you to worry about the propane smell.