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Found a big salmon filet at Sams.I prefer skin on,but beggers can't be choosers.Took filet and cut it in half as it was too big to fit in my salt container.Placed a bed of salt in the bottom of a non-reflective container,placed largest piece on salt bed,covered it with salt.(by the way use kosher or rock salt,I prefer kosher)Place tail or smaller piece on top of other and cover that with salt until they are both buried.Cover ,place in fridge for three hours. Remove salmon,rinse with cold water to remove any salt,then place in a running cold water bath for one hour.Remove place on cooling rack so air will circulate all around the filet,place in fridge until it has a dry shine to it about 12 hours.
Ready to smoke I leave mine on the cooling rack and place it on the smoker rack.
Started with cold smoker on smoke setting with hickory of 20 min. then jumped to 275 for 1 hour.
This has got to be the very best salmon I have ever done,great shine,not too heavy smoke taste.
Customers loved it,as it was all sold by noon today.
Photos to follow,thanks to Smokin.

Papa Shaka Big Grin Wink
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