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Well, it's happening. My Cookshack should arrive tomorrow! Now, my wife has had smoked Bologna some 20 years ago as a kid. The deal is, I need to make it my first smoke. No Problem, should be easy.

However, I can't find anyone that has smoke a big hunk of bologna...

Any tips? Otherwise, I guess I'll hit it for a few hours and check 'er out. Shouldn't be to tuff to screw up.

Thanks All!
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Hi HenDog,

Do a search on smoked bologna. It should turn up pretty many links since bologna has been talked about alot on here.

In the mean time here is a link to a thread about smoked bologna . Read the whole thread all the way down and the cooking time and temp will be given.

You should be able to go to your grocer's service deli case and ask for them to cut you off a hunk of whatever kind you like. It doesnt have to be sliced when you buy it from there cases.

I have been able to find 3 pound wrapped chunks at the grocery store.Frick's Premium made in MO. My husband prepared it a lot while in the Elks Lodge and they cross cut it like the top of a ham?? but all around. I used about 2oz of hickory and slathered with some bbq sauce after about an hour or 2.It doesnt take long as it is already cooked. it is good fried after that in a sandwich. The thread on here is good information
You may be able to find ring balogna, which I have found at Albertson's, but I have also found 5lb chubs of the Bar-S brand at Wal-Mart Neighborhood Mkt.

I've smoked balogna just by itself, or layered with cheddar, mozzarella and jack cheeses, and recently with a mustard slather and sprinkled with rub.

I tell ya', it would be hard to mess this up, but probably even harder to match a memory! What can she tell you about what she remembers of smoked balogna?
Originally posted by Mango:
[qb] SHTRDAVE have you really smoked Spam? Big Grin

Please, give us some facts on your preparations.

Also for bologna most Super markets have delis with big chunks of bologna in the chilled glass case to entice you. [/qb]
Well sir I go on down to the store and pick up a few cans, and bring em home.

Start the smokette with the wood, while I wrestle with the damn stuff to get it out of the cans. Throw on the seasoning and put it in the smoker for about and hour and a half give or take, you really can't screw it up.

After all it is SPAM.

I will then let them cool and wrap in plastic wrap and foil, sometimes vac pack. Good sliced and cooked with your eggs in the morning.

I have done it with out the seasoning and it is definatly better with your favorite seasoning on it.

Don't know if Armour Treet will work the same, as i don't buy it.

Just don't read the can to see what is in it.
If you read the ingredients it probably has the dreaded "gland" in it.
The chub I got was only beef and pork,no chicken or turkey.
Bologna ingredients are more similar to Spam's than we ould like to think. But I eat Scrapple so hwo bad can anything else be? Dave, do you like Scrapple?
Originally posted by KathyE:
[qb] If you read the ingredients it probably has the dreaded "gland" in it.
The chub I got was only beef and pork,no chicken or turkey.
Bologna ingredients are more similar to Spam's than we ould like to think. But I eat Scrapple so hwo bad can anything else be? Dave, do you like Scrapple? [/qb]
Yes and liver pudding also.
My Mom and grandparents ate it but it is so rich.To keep this conversation on bbq I have to say I smoked the scrapple or ask if you have smoked it etc.I have family around Roaring Spring and Martinsburg,Blair county,went to college in Huntingdon county.Converted my son and husband to scrapple lovers.
If you can stand smoked Spam I wonder what you could do to Scrapple? Good to talk to someone else from PA.
Something we tried with those 3lb chunks of round bologna. Get a unused piece of pipe about 1/2" inside diameter, maybe 12" long and wash it well. Then push it thru the bologna horizontal to the table, until it comes out the other side. Remove and save the plug. Turn the bologna 90 degrees and repeat this. You should now have a round with this crossing tunnel in it. Take one of the plugs from the pipe and cut ut about 3/4" long and stick it back in one of the holes. You may have to push a toothpick across it to secure in the hole. Repeat this step for an ajoining hole. Turn the round on its side with the 2 open holes up and fill it with bbq sauce. Or garlic clives. Or diced onion. Be creative. When its almost full put plugs in the 2 remaining holes and secure with toothpicks. Cook this in your smoker as you have done before. Use wood to taste. I would make one here for Friday nite Garage Nite with a chunk of cheddar and crackers and it dissapears fast.

Smokin' Joe

I got the 008. This is going to be lots of fun!

Easy starter was 2 3lb chunks of Bolo and some Kielbasa.. 3 1/2 hours later and whola! Wife kept wanting to peek, but I told her what everyone says, "resist the temptation"....

We are on our way! Ribs, chicken and Butt are all in the freezer waiting for the next weekend.

Ckick to enlarge

I have done this twice already. I did this one at 220 for two hours with Hickory, could use more time if you ask me. If this big chub is a bit daunting, I just found a smaller size at WalleyWorld, it about the same length but the diameter is about the perfect size that fits on a cracker. The last one I did was with the smaller sized chub, rolled in a BBQ rub and I smoked it with maple, I believe I would stick with hickory or a stronger wood. The rub wasn't needed but I think it would lend itself to other types of taste tampering.

One thing I would suggest is that you wrap in saran wrap for a couple of days before you tare into it. I think this helps with the flavor.

The other items in the photo goes to a bean recipe that a good friend gave me. I smoke just the bacon and onions instead of the whole honk'n pan. I like the smoke flavor better this way.

HTH and you must do Bolgana, it's too cheap not to experiment with it.
I haven't done the"stuffed" method, but it does look interesting. I wonder, though...does the sauce tend to seep throught the bologna during the cook?

I'm not a huge fan of sauce, and smoked bologna itself is rather potent on its own. I think I'd go with something to mellow it a bit, possibly a flavored cream cheese/shredded jack cheese mixture.
SmokinOkie.... Thank you for setting the record straight on Stogies bologna recipe. Before I replied to KathyE, I did search the archives for that post and couldnt find it. Sorry if it sounded like it was MY recipe.

We found the sauce didnt penetrate the meat as far as we thought it would. The garlic comes out very strong and DOES penetrate the meat. But it was ALL good and like someone else said, it's hard to mess up a hunk of bologna. Smiler

Originally posted by KathyE:
[qb] Just buy the bbq flavored Spam and save the energy required to do the rest..haha
If ShtrDave is willing to try smoking Scrapple and says it tastes good I will get some out of my freezer and try doing it. [/qb]
Sorry i overlooked this, I have some store bought scrapple in the fridge, I may toss it in this weekend and give it a go, if i have time.
I wonder if you could smoke your own liverwurst?No reason why not,I guess. I do miss the fresh sausages we got in PA made by the Mennonites. I guess from growing up on PA Dutch food I love pork in (almost) any form ,pickles,beet pickled eggs,mush,sauerkraut etc. We used to stop in Harrisburg on the PA turnpike at a PA Dutch restaurant when I was a kid on the way to grandparents.It had a big lazy Susan in the middle of the table with 7 sweets and 7 sours.

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