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I love smoked bologna. I spiral slice mine like you did, and then cut it into several pieces. Soak it in BBQ Sauce overnight, and then in to the smoker. Smoke it for about 2 hours with the smoker just hot enough to keep the smoke rolling. Take it out, and cover it with more BBQ sauce, then back in the smoker for 1 to 2 hours more. The guy I learned this method from would put a pan of baked beans on the lower rack to catch any drippings.

Smoked bologna sandwichs with ripe tomato and onion slices. There is nothing better when you are on a fishing trip.

Yes it does freeze well, but it never lasts that long around here.
I don't know if you can actually BE a bologna connoisseur, but I prefer Ekrich's garlic bologna for smoking. I haven't tried Bar-S garlic bologna yet (but I like their hot dogs and try to keep my money local).

Wal-Mart used to sell the Ekrich brand but doesn't anymore. You can buy any portion or a tube of the stuff. I don't slice mine thin, but more "chunks" like you'd put on an cheese tray or something. I use a mix of hard and fruit wood at 225-250 for about 2 hours (the thinner you slice it the less time you need).

On a side note, I have to believe this is an Oklahoma original thing because when i moved to Minnesota, people usually thought I was nuts for smoking lunchmeat...till they tried it.

And yes, you can freeze it quite easily (I vacuum seal it).

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