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Have smoked two turkeys with my model 55, and both times the skin shrank and tore, leaving the bird with an unappealing appearance. Brined the birds for 24 hours, rubbed with honey and sprinkled with spicy chicken rub, covered with butter soaked cheesecloth, smoked at 250 degrees to an internal breast temp of 163 degrees. Both turkeys taste great, but look ugly. What can I do to improve the appearance of the skin?
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I'm no expert, but when I seperate the skin to apply something underneath, I get the type of skin you describe. As a result, I've gone to the mayo and rub on the outside and smoke at 300*. Skin looks better, but still won't have the mouth feel of chicken cooked in a 375* oven. To achieve that, cook in the smoker and finish on the grill or oven.

That's one reason I was so impressed with Cal's turkey pictures...he seemed to have figured it out (could have something to do with the way he pulls the skin back. It's still hinged on most sides of the bird even though he's exposed a great part of the meat, toothpicked where needed...see his pics # 2 & 4 in the thread below yours). Cal's so inspired me, I'll try his technique next time.

Now, I have another thought and am directing this question to Smokin. I've always thrown my birds into the smoker then turned the smoker on and set it to 300* or whatever. Yet, whenever we cook in an oven, we preheat. I know the oven's set to a higher temp, but wouldn't the preheat help with the skin? Instead of the bird slowly coming to temp with the smoker, a preheated smoker would immediately apply 300* to the outside of the bird, working on the skin while the rest of the bird cooks. And wouldn't a bird straight out of the fridge also help in the same manner? High heat on the skin and a cold bird prolonging the meat cooking and skin's exposure to the heat.
Last edited by pags
Originally posted by Longtime Chiefs Fan:
I did separate the skin, and put spicy chicken rub underneath.

ANYtime you separate the skin from the meat to put something underneath it WILL shrink. 100%, guaranteed, etc etc

You need to pin it down pretty good. I folk mine over and pin it inside the carcas.
Originally posted by Pags:
...Now, I have another thought and am directing this question to Smokin. I've always thrown my birds into the smoker then turned the smoker on and set it to 300* or whatever. Yet, whenever we cook in an oven, we preheat. I know the oven's set to a higher temp, but wouldn't the preheat help with the skin? Instead of the bird slowly coming to temp with the smoker, a preheated smoker would immediately apply 300* to the outside of the bird, working on the skin while the rest of the bird cooks. And wouldn't a bird straight out of the fridge also help in the same manner? High heat on the skin and a cold bird prolonging the meat cooking and skin's exposure to the heat.

Do you want smoked turkey or oven turkey? If you preheat, then you'll not have a lot of smoke going and the bird will rise very quickly and have less time to take on any smoke.

I'm not sure what you mean by "help with the skin". The pullback? Won't matter, it will still shrink up. You've separated the meat from the skin and that was the only thing holding it in place.

I don't know of any method to keep the skin from shrinking. At the point it's approaching doneness, it will shrink. You could try, but I know the pinning method works.

Did that answer the question(s). Not sure what you were driving for, so wanted to check.
Yea. Thank you. With chicken taking on smoke so well, I'm going to try preheating the smoker and throwing in a cold bird without separating the skin. Mayo and rub. At least it's a plan.

Be awhile before I can get to it. I've got a ton of crab/shrimp we bought at the crabfeed Sat., brisket, 2 chuck rolls and salmon. Also, picked up a bunch of skinless chicken breast on sale. Need to freeze something.
I'm sure, well maybe, that the butter and spraying with oil has something to do with helping the skin . I tried the first time only pinning the skin by using just a little bit of skin in the toothpick and it peeled right through the toothpicks, that is why I try to let the toothpicks pin down more of the skin now.

I also let the bird air dry overnight.

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