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We had a lot or requests to smoke turkeys for the Big Day. I wanted to make sure they would turn out to our standards. I had to come here to find out what to do. Thanks to all of you.

So here is what we did. Took two 14 lb. turkeys and soaked then for two days with Smokin Okie's Holiday Brine. We rinsed them well, then with gloves on, carefully separated the skin from the meat, starting at the top of the breast and working down, behind the thighs. We rubbed Cookshack's Chicken Seasoning all over the breast and thigh meat, under the skin. Then quartered onions and apples, putting 3 quarters in the cavity and one quarter of each in the back cavity. We used one 14 lb.turkey, not brined, but did everything else the same.

We then cooked one of the brined turkeys in the FEC and the other two in the Cookshack 150 for 3.75 hours at 250 degrees in both. Temp in the FEC turkey was 160, Cookshack after that time was 180.

The brined turkey in the Cookshack 150 was outstanding. We are going with that formula for next week.

We have been serving the turkeys to our customers, keeping it in the smoker to stay warm, wrapped in foil. Customers are loving it and it has stayed moist and flavorful through reheating.

Just passing on the information.

David and Mara
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Well the title was written as a question. Is there?

Thanks for the details.

Lot more smoke flavor in the 150 and the skin was crisper in the 150. Oh btw I used 3 oz of Hickory wood.

So, more details.

You didn't say what temp on the FE. Also, if you run it only at high temp, yup, there would be less smoke. But run it on a lower setting then finish high and it'll finish just like an oven skin.

Well, then you didn't have the 100 hot enough. Heck I can make it look like it was deep fried in the 100.

FYI, I can certainly get crisper skin in my 100 than my 150, so I'm not sure. The 100 is a moister environment.

Yours is probably one of the few comparisons I've seen out there so thanks for the details.

The key to the skin in either is 1) the brining helps 2) separating the skin helps and 3) any liquid like butter or EVOO will help the skin crispen.
"The 100 is a moister environment. "

I do not have the 150. I do have both the FEC-100 and Amerique. I would have thought the CS150 to be a moister environment.

I did a Turkey last Thanksgiving on the FEC-100. I brined, 1/2 hour on Smoke, 1-1/2 on 180 and finished on 325. The bird was very moist and skin crisp.

I'm debating which unit I'll use this year. I have been musing on actually cold smoking the bird in the Amerique for 1/2 hour and then cooking in the FEC-100. I also have been reading with interest the suggestions for cheesecloth and butter or oil soaking. Thanks all for the great suggestions.

I ended up doing the turkeys in the 150 for Thanskgiving. We used Okie's Holiday Brine and soaked the turkeys for two days. Cooked on lat afternoon of Wednesday before Thanksgiving. They were 18LB. Birds and we cooked them for 3.5 hours at 250 smooker nver got over 210 though.
Here is the e-mail we received from one customer

Just wanted to say thanks and let you know that our Thanksgiving feast was a big hit and the turkey was the best smoked turkey we've ever had. The sides were perfect and the pies, well you know how exceptional your pies are.

Just wanted to let you know that everything was great and to say thanks,

C& M

Thanks to all of you who helped us make this a success.


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