My 1st question is this...after doing something in the smoker what do you guys all do as far as cleanup of the unit - walls and such?
2nd...do we have somewhere here on the site a good list of what woods you use for different foods? Prime Rib - ??, Ribs - ??, brisket - ??, etc.
3rd....to be honest, I was totally unfamiliar with the Cookshack smoker before seeing this site. Is a person looked down upon if he has a different brand smoker?
4th....I've used these in my gas grill in small packets to get that smoke taste and they've done good. Can these be used in the wood box in my electric smoker as well instead of wood chips? I've got a few bags left of different pellets. http://www.bbqrsdelight.com/
Thanks in advance for any and all answers. Like I said...I'm glad I've found this site.
