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Hello BBQ'ers
Newbie here, My wife & I are about to take over her families BBQ restaurant.
I have been working for them for the past 5 years. We use the old PIT with hickory wood. I can cook 6 pork shoulders & 9 slabs at one time.
I have to start cooking at 4:30am everyday.
I just recieved the "cookshack" catalog.
I am wondering if this would be a good thing for us to change too.
Im tired of these early mornings, finding wood & PIT FIRES!! This idea of leaving my product in there till its done sounds GOOD to me.
Any comments would be appreciated!

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I'm not a restaurant owner, however I have toyed with the idea. After owning a Smokette, if it ever does happen I assure you I won't be tending any "pit". It will defintely be a cookshack.

I've only had mine a couple of months and peope tell me what comes out of it is as good, if not better than a couple of our best Q joints. Bet here is that's exactly what they're using.


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