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Hi All! I am new to this forum. Just ordered my Smokette 008 - should receive it next week. I would like a recommendation regarding thermometers. Should I purchase one (what kind do you recommend) now or try cooking by clock time alone? I want my first smoke to be successful. I use to smoke with a charcoal water smoker and it was always a hit or miss situation. Thanks!
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Hi, and welcome. Many of us here think you made a wise choice with your CS. I too have a Smokette and while I�m new and still learning, it hasn�t failed me yet. Ribs, brisket, butt, they all turn out great with a CS.

You�ll discover many friendly, experienced, well informed folks on this forum, ready to help and advise to make sure your first effort is successful. Don�t be afraid to ask questions and explore the archives for previous history, you�ll learn a lot.

As for your thermometer question, I use a Pyrex from Bed, Bath & Beyond, but there are many out there to chose from. The important thing is to not simply rely on time alone�.time varies, trust your thermometer. Ribs can be timed; larger cuts, butts, breasts, briskets, etc., require rather exact internal temps to produce the desired outcome.

Good luck and welcome�.

Hi smokingislander.. Welcome to the wonderful world of smoking.. food, that is.. I also have an 008 and think it's great for family and small groups.. others have found ways to cook for much larger numbers with it.

Anyhow, I have a cable thermometer that I bought from Target.. many others seem to like it as well.

However, you might want to get into the search feature at the top of the page and type in thermometers.. you'll get a lot of hits and discussion on a wide variety of them

Yes, the Pyrex is digital w/probe and has a range of 250+. That's important too, I've heard a few folks on here complain that theirs only goes to 225 or something. There will be times when you want that higher temp and you'll want to know when you get there.

Weekend's here...a good time to break it in and have that first smoke!


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