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BobbyQ...guess what I invented? The cold-smoke kit for Smokette! Cheap, too. Okay, my Smokette is in a heated garage, dang close to the wood burner. So, ya know how ya cold-smoke in a Little Chief? Same way. I rigged a cardboard box with a rack, and a smoke hole. Then I just place it on the top of Smokette and let her rip. Works for me. Just make itty bitty holes if you want a heavy smoke. Bigger holes for a lighter, longer smoke. My temp read 100-110 in there. Cold-Smoke City! Big Grin

PS: With this method, you can cold-smoke and hot-smoke at the same time! Like smoking a cigarette and second-hand smoke...
Since I've never seen a smokette, only pictures, I'm a tad unclear on how the smoke gets into the box. From pictures, I can see a little "knob-looking thing" in the center of the top of the Smokette, I presume this is an outlet for smoke (?)... Then you just poke a hole in the bottom of your box and set it on this exhaust vent, right? If that's the case I can see the genius in your simple solution.

It seems to me that if you rigged something like this up, it'd be darn near fool proof; lots of smoke, very little heat, temp regulation isn't too important at those temps anyway (right?). Not to mention that you could do a batch of hot smoked meat at the same time. If you wanted to get fancy, you could rig up something more elaborate than a cardboard box.

Could it really be that simple? Can anyone think of a reason to mess w/ a cold smoke kit?

Thanks Andi / Que
Cool Cool
Yes, My Dears, sometimes Low-Tech is the Best Tech. Plus, this Bush Alaskan has learned the hard way that making do will have to do!

The bottom of the box is open and fits snugly over the Smokette. I am using the box my vacuum cleaner came in. Perfect fit! And tall enough to add another rack.

I have done Squaw Candy (hard smoked salmon), Red Snapper, eggs, cheese, pecans, and jerly AFTER it came out of the dehydrator and was still pliable.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention...and I'm the biggest Mutha of them all! LOL! Red Face

Sounds like you have made up your mind to get the Smokette. You will be pleased with the versatilty of the little device, and ease of use it provides.

I will be waiting some reports of your smoked fish using Andi's "method". She is a tresure trove of practical ways to get things done.

Andi- I have been looking for some pictures of your creations, and now know why we have not seen them yet. Do you know that cheap webcams attached to your PC can be used for single frame pictures of website quality? If anyone up in Moose Pass has one, you might discuss this with them?
Any of you guys know the best place for Santa to pick one of these up is? Cabelas wants $400 + shipping and wants $475 for what they call the "cookshack smoker".

However,, and all want $550 + shipping (?) for what they call the Smokette II Electric smoker.

I assume they are the same, anyone heard of a lower price?
I can see all you knuckleheads lookin' around for the right size box now! Tape measures in hand...

Hey! It works like a damn and the best part is the double decker smokin'. Why waste the wood?

Steelhead will be marvelous cold-smoked! Dang! Wish I had some! Season over here.

Tom, Tom, Tom...did you go back and read our threads about dry brining again? Brine for less time! You are brining way too long for a product that is to be eaten for dinner! Just about 3 hours, or less, will do it. You need not let the brine melt. If that doesn't do it for ya, go to a wet brine for 30-45 minutes only. Use your same spices and everything. It won't taste as strong of the spice, but if you want, you can use more spices after brining sans the salt. Smoke with the spices on. I did a side of salmon for dinner this way last week, that was to die for! I shook off the excess before serving. If you really want them to stick, brush maple syrup on the fish before spicing. And, speaking of beer, I wish I had one right now! Really though, well, really. ANYWAY, I took a beer and a 1/4 c. brown sugar, nothing else, and brined a side of red salmon in it for an hour. Hot smoked for snackin'. Was totally wonderful! Will do that one again...

Smiler Razzer

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