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I have a 6.5# untrimmed brisket flat in my smokette at 225 degrees and 3 ounces of hickory. The meat has reached 140 degrees 3 hours after starting. Is that too fast? It seems to parallel Smokin's temp log except he opened the smoker after 3 hours which dropped the temp and seems to have prolonged the cooking time. Any suggestions?

P.S. I love my smoker (and this forum)!
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Sorry, we don't have any prizes "yet" for first time posters (HEY DONNA....there's ANOTHER idea).

Don't worry, it's pretty consistent for the meat to shoot up, once the oven gets to temp, the meat internal temp starts rising pretty fast.

There is a brisket plateau, around 160 to 170 and this is were it will hang up for a while it breaks down the collagen.

Just hang with it. I don't think opening the door on my brisket cooks extended it that much, I'm pretty fast, but overall, on that particular cook, maybe an extra 45 min or so total.

I would be careful with a flat. Depending on the "thickness" of the meat at the outer edges, they WILL dry out at some point. If you check it at some point in your smoke and it looks like that is happening, this is where the use of foil may be of a help. It's going to have the smokiness and wrapping a flat will help it from drying out.

But I'm just Smokin'
Dr. BBQ, took me 10 hours to hit internal of 190* on a 6lb brisket flat. So, my wife kicks me out of bed at 0400 to get the thing cooked on time.

Question: What is this foil thing? Preserves moisture? Why the controversy? Is it as bad as boiling ribs?

Next question: Dr BBQ, where did you get your PhQ? CSU? Did you know the chancellor?

i2BBQ, PhQ
CookShack Univ
The Brinkman Chair in Primitive Que Cool
Foil the Texas crutch as it is called by Paul Kirk. There are many who use it, it will speed up a cook and it does retain moisture in the package but also changes the texture of the brisket(it is very easy to take it to a pot roast texture).
If you are going to use foil you need to uncover and let it spend some time in the cooker to dry out some.
Using foil is a matter of how you like the finished product. Try cooking without foil and then another cook with and see what you prefer.
Jim Minion is right. Foil The Texas Crutch does change the texture of the meat. Think of it this way, foil traps moisture inside and that moisature tends to "steam" the meat. That's why the bark on brisket & ribs will be softer (or as I say, mushier). I like Jim's description, "more like pot roast". Yup. that's it.

but those little flats will dry out, so watch them like a hawk. Most of my comments in Brisket 101 apply to Packer Cut (or full) briskets. Not the flats. Guess I'll need to do a Brisket 101A for those.

Hey Tom,

Do you know why Oklahoma is so windy? Because...oh, sorry, no jokes.

Hey Tom,

I agree, how DO you cook a 2 lb brisket flat and keep it from drying out. Answer: You don't.

And just so the record is straight. I don't cook my Q with a Crutch. But i do use it for holding.

Your Honor, that's my plea.
Well, it took 14 hours for my brisket to reach 190. I immediately wrapped it in tin foil for 15 minutes (couldn't wait any longer), then tested it. It was very tender and tasty. It was even better the next day. It seemed like the smokiness was not enough the first night, but just right the next day. It was perfect tenderness for slicing. My only question is why it took 14 hours. Confused
well, I could write a book about why.


1. Keep good notes, so that the next 6.5 lb'er you'll know (but it might not take that long).

2. That's why you can't expect Q to behave like normal recipes.

3. And, just in case I haven't said it today..."it's done when it's done."
Originally posted by DR BBQ:
[qb]It was very tender and tasty. It was even better the next day. It seemed like the smokiness was not enough the first night, but just right the next day.[/qb]

Y'know, I noticed that, too, on my very first brisket! That night, it was pretty good. Reheated the next day, and it was fantastic!


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