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I've cooked 8-9 turkeys on CS 020. Dry brined, no brine, solution added, kosher, etc, but never a wet brine. Finally planned ahead enough to try Smokin' Okie's Holiday Brine. Followed directions close but added fresh grated ginger. Dried, dusted with CS chicken rub, and 4 patties of butter under skin.

Smoked 8# breast @ 235* with (3) 1/2" thick matchbook sized pieces of pecan and hickory. Removed/foiled at 162* internal. After rest, removed skin and sliced for sandwiches. Really good. Wife loved the smoke flavor. I want to add one more piece of pecan next time.

The flavor you can get from the wet brining is worth the effort. Not noticably juicier than dry brine but flavor is a keeper! No problem with 'saltiness'.

Noticed that I had a little bother with the temp probes. Had to reposition twice. Not sure if related to brining.

Love the flavor. Will be my goto recipe for Turkey. I hate I waited so long to try. Thx SO!
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It's my go to recipe for turkey also. Tastier and juicier. I try different ones now and then to learn differences but fall back to Smoke's Holiday brine.

We used to do turkey only at Thanksgiving, but now average maybe one/month. As a matter of fact, I was thinking about heading to WinCo to get another today. You just convinced me. Big Grin
Glad it worked.

the brine should have zero impact on the temp probe, most likely placement.

This is the brine I'm teaching in the CS Class this week, it's the one I use.

You have to give it time to work, because of the size of the turkey. Not sure I agree with the dry brining being better or worsem it's different, plus it can't really carry extra flavors with it as much salt is used.

Try this, do two. Weigh them beofre and after brining and see what the weight change is.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Try this, do two. Weigh them beofre and after brining and see what the weight change is.

Dry brine works fine if done to spec but it is different. The flavor and tenderness from SO holiday style brine is a clear winner. No further test needed. Cool

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