I am tossing a couple of yardbirds in the ST tomorrow at 7:00 AM and just realized I've "never" done a whole bird. It's always been pieces and parts or a whole turkey.
This is the plan, the cooker ready to go - got 1 oz pecan and a couple of briquetts in the wood box. In the morning the birds get a brushing of olive oil, a spattering of spicy chicken rub, salt & papper. Gonna use toothpicks to pin the skin down (srinkage). A very simple recipe.
Going to set the temp to 250˚ and insert the probe in the inner thigh and take it to 175˚. Thinking the birds will cook in 4-5 hours.
Does this sound like a plan or does it need to be tweaked?
Smoked four butts today. Going to serve them with the chicken to a group at church (appreciation luncheon).
Any and all input appreciated!
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