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I recently received my SM050, and have great Q with ribs, butt and brisket. But.......yesterday I smoked a 5 lb whole chicken, at 225 degrees to and internal temperature of 172. To get the chicken to the recommended temperature I finished it off in the oven, and it turned out OK, but a bit dry. My problem is I sure don't like the black bark on poultry. Should I slow cook first, then add smoke later? Smoke first then remove to an oven to finish it off? Any suggestions, recommendations appreciated. I want to do a turkey soon but don't want that bark on it. Am looking for that "golden" color. Thank you.
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I haven't tried a chicken yet but have done a turkey. I think a chicken could be done the same way.

In this house, the wife likes to add in the stuffing to a turkey, which is really not advisable when doing a slow cook. (food safety)

Last fall, I put a large turkey in the 055 and smoked it for about 4 hours (not quite done) and then gave to the wife to add the stuffing and finish it in the oven. Worked out fine and there wasn't really any bark on the turkey.
take cheese cloth dip in melted butter and drape over the chicken this should solve all your problems from dark bark to dry chicken you can take it off for the last 30 minutes or so if you want .I did this with a turkey at thanksgiving this year worked great perfectly golden brown it looked like it had been roasted in the oven but tasted much better. Big Grin

P.S. I know second time I have mentioned cheese cloth this week.
Couple of good points above.

One thing to work on, is to figure out "why".

It could be too much smoke (cut back on wood and try it)

It could be sugar in the rub (not always at that temp but it can happen)

If it's "dry" try brining the whole bird. What temp internal did you cook it? Check out Brining 101 or Turkey 101 both near the top of the open forum for ideas.

The cheese cloth will help, but it's not the only method to get great looking skin. There are photos in Turkey 101 with the cheesecloth, here are the results for that:
Turkey example

Welcome to the forum!
Thanks you, Qnorth, Dan2, and SmokinOkie!
I like the suggestion of the cloth soaked in melted butter!
The "why" is what I was trying to figure out, I used 1/2 the wood as called for, I uses the Cookshack Dry Chicken Rub. As noted I cooked to the internal temp. of 172 in the thigh. I've checked out the Turkey 101 and noted the results with the cheesecloth. I think that is the way I'll try next. Thanks guys for the help, I'm sure enjoying this, and the replies.
And the food is GOOD!

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