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Looks mighty pricey to me.

If you wanted, you could cobble up one of your own. A twelve volt "muffin" fan and transformer (or go with a 110 volt fan and forget the transformer) from Radio Shack and a piece of stove pipe would do the trick. A filter ,if needed, could by made from a reuseable coffee filter of some kind. Pipe over the top hole, filter on the pipe, fan on the filter and bingo: one air moving device.

I'll bet the whole thing wouldn't run you more than twenty bucks if you can find a surplus fan. If not, it might run thirty.
I could make one out of a computer case fan, either run it off of 12vdc and or solar. I made a simular setup for my frige in my camper to circulate the air past the cooling fins. One of the cheapest MODS I did for maximum results.

Heck, you could mount the fan to an old tomatoe can, run the power leads and let-er-rip. If the fan fails toss it and buy a new one for 6 bucks.
Try your local Salvation Army store. Near me, they have a lot of old computers (think 486)which aren't much good except for parts.

I like the solar idea, you could probably run a CPU fan off the guts of one of those solar walkway lights.

or here I just found this for $66

Built-in solar cell and DC fan make the Solar Vent an easy solution to remove heat and odour in RVs,boats,garden sheds and outhouses.Installs in a 12 cm (4.75") diameter hole and comes on automatically,exhausting air upwards. Helps reduce condensation in boats too!
The Solar Vent moves air at 32 cfm's. Dimensions 17 x 9.5 x 17.5 CM (6.75" x 3.75" x 7")

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