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This is from cook and author Smoky Hale.

Not neccessarily the word on brisket,but some might find the read useful.

BRISKET-Choosing the Better Brisket
The brisket comes from the chest/breast area of a cow - the roping end. It is two alternating layers of muscle and fat. The two layers of meat are separate, but not equal: one is thicker and wider. Observed with the fat layer on the bottom, the upper layer of meat is interspersed with strings of fat which do not render out during cooking.
In restaurants, this layer is normally chopped with a little of the trimmings of the lower layer for chopped sandwiches. The lower layer, although less fatty, also has streaks of fat - the size and shape of which offer some indication of how it will cook. Thick, ropy strands of marbling will probably yield a tougher product from a cut already fabled for toughness. Choose instead, briskets with more slender, consistent streaks of marbling fat. There seems to be a consensus that, all things being equal, flexibility is an indication of potential for tenderness. The exercise goes this way: Pick up the brisket, grasping it in the center. The more the ends droop, the more tender it is likely to be. Remember that tenderness, in the case of brisket, is a relative term. Do not for one moment, delude yourself into thinking that a limber brisket is a tender brisket.
Jim Erickson rightfully points out, �Don�t pay extra for prime grade.� Prime only means that there is more fat marbled in. The brisket is already overly endowed with interspersed fat. Jim does advocate using a �certified� beef and his successes lends credence to that belief.
If you are serious, which is in itself a fault and likely to make the meat tougher, get more than one brisket. After they are done, choose the most tender for contests and guests whom you wish to impress. You can chop the other for sandwiches or grease the axles on the chuck wagon. The shape of the brisket is more an indicator of cooking time than weight. A chunky 8 lb. brisket 5� thick will take longer to cook than a long, slender 10 pounder. Select a 10-12 pounder with a good �� minimum layer of fat on the bottom side.
Remember, �Each brisket is an adventure.� After you have selected what appears to be the best available, it�s trimming time. Trim the hump of fat from the pointy, �nose� end. This side will be on the bottom during cooking; the external fat will not do any basting and may actually interfere with seasoning. Don�t bother with the fat layer on the other side. Tidy up by trimming off the thinnest parts and trim the fat off the sides. Bring to meat to room temperature, regardless of what the beef people�s representatives say. The meat will absorb flavor more readily and it will reduce the cooking time. Check the internal temperature and record it in the rare chance that you may want to do this again..
�Aye, there�s the rub..�
Seasoning for any meat should complement the meat�s natural flavor, not over power it. We value meat, as the price reflects, for its taste and texture as well as a prime source of protein. It is illogical, therefore, to over season, over smoke and over cook. Of course, it is difficult to overcook the brisket. I am amazed at the range of ingredients considered to be proper for a brisket rub. Salt is an essential ingredient because it serves as a conductor of flavors. Salt enters the meat by osmosis and can carry along certain flavors, but no externally administered flavors will penetrate very far into the meat - especially through that layer of fat. Chili powder, cumin and oregano are, in my opinion, more aptly used in chili and other Southwestern dishes. Sugar belongs in the dessert course and only a sissy would use a tenderizer. Over the years, I have found a simple mixture that seems to bring out the best in beef without any off notes of taste and it doesn�t over power the beef flavor.
Mix thoroughly: 1 c. salt, � c. each garlic and onion powder, 1/8 c. each ground thyme, ground bay, black pepper, celery seed and Hungarian paprika. Spanish paprika has only color. Overloading with paprika and overcooking paprika will create a bitter after taste. Using it as you would for proper saltiness, rub this into the brisket a few minutes before it goes on the grill. Use this as a starter and build your own to suit your taste. When a rub with salt as a significant ingredient is put on meat, the salt begins to draw moisture from it.
Moisture is very important in the cooking mechanism. Water conducts heat much more readily than dry tissue. It follows, therefore, that the longer you can retain moisture in the meat, the quicker the heat will be conducted from the exterior to the interior. Getting the inside done before the outside is burnt to a brick like texture is the secret to successful barbecuing.
Cooking a brisket is a long term relationship. Producing a better brisket requires 8-18 hours at consistent temperature with minimal smoke exposure. You can roast a brisket at 350 degrees in a couple of hours, but the result would challenge a pit bull�s jaw muscles. Cooking temperatures in the 200-215 degree range are most likely to bring a brisket to its optimum potential. This is the traditional range for barbecuing that is a result of centuries of trial and error. Brisket would actually be more tender if cooked at below 200 degrees, but the time on the grill goes up drastically. Those who have cooked, burning wood in offset firebox, may have, unwittingly, been saved by the placement of the exhaust vent. Where the vent exits from the top of the cooking chamber, the hottest gasses go out first. The meat, resting on the grill below, doesn�t get as contaminated with the vile products of combustion.
Don�t sweat the �smoke ring.� The ring of color grading from dark on the outside to a pale pink deeper into the meat is not really a smoke ring at all. It is a chemical reaction of meat�s constituents. The depth of color depends more upon the moisture of the meat than upon the density of smoke. It has no bearing on flavor and is only important to smoke blowers. Next time you eat Chinese, check the �smoke� ring on the roast pork which has never even had a passing flirtation with real smoke.
Build a proper bed of coal by burning down sufficient wood or charcoal to bring the whole grill up to 350 degrees, then shut down the air intake to reduce the temperature down to 225. Put on the briskets, fat side up and close the lid. Check in 20 minutes to see if the temperature has stabilized around 210. If it hasn�t make adjustments in the air intake. If it has, go find something interesting to do.
How often you need to check the grill depends on the grill. If you are working with a small kettle grill, you may need to replenish the coals and move the
brisket frequently. If you have properly heated and stoked a massive iron sidewinder, it may maintain its temperature for 4 hours and will require less frequent, if any, turning.
Did you say, �What about the water pan?� Tell me that you are joking! A water pan in a closed grill is, at a minimum, a gross waste of fuel. It takes more heat to boil a gallon of water than it does to cook a 10 lb roast to 185 degrees. And what do you get in return, �Nothing of value.� The water pan was introduced by manufacturers of dinky little tin can cookers, without air flow control, as a means of controlling the temperature. As long as there is water in the pan, the temperature will not exceed the boiling point of water. It is only useful for those who cannot control the temperature of their grill. Grilling is cooking meat in dry heat. Water has no place in grilling.
We may as well discuss that other grilling abomination, aluminum foil. Anybody who cooks his brisket wrapped in aluminum foil, probably puts catsup on his steak. - after he has cooked it �well done�! At barbecue cook-offs in other parts of the country, aluminum foil is known as the �Texas crutch.�
Aluminum foil is a crutch for those who over smoke and over cook at temperatures too high. By hermetically sealing the damaged goods in aluminum foil, the abused brisket is braised (cooked enclosed with moisture) to try to retain moisture and tenderness. Is this grilling? Certainly not! What, other than the thickness of the container, is the difference in heavy duty aluminum foil and a pressure cooker. After about 8 hours, check the internal temperature of the briskets with a bi-metal thermometer. Most beef is edible after 125 degrees - for a fine steak but the troublesome brisket needs to get as close to 185 degrees and you can stand. At that temperature, most of the interspersed fat has melted and mellowed the surrounding tissue into a reasonable facsimile of tenderness. Paul Kirk, Baron of Barbeque, teaches grilling around the country side. He says that he tests for tenderness by inserting his thermometer probe laterally into the brisket. If it enters and exits easily, he considers it ready to remove.
The Finale
Even after the extra effort in selection, the trimming and seasoning and the long term cooking process, the brisket demands still more than any rational fare for the grill. It still must be sliced in a particularly peculiar fashion in order to be rendered edible.
I am no slouch with a blade, but when I watched Texas native, Charlie McMurrey, Jr., dissect a brisket at a cook-off in Cookesville, TN, I recognized immediately that I was in the presence of a master brisketeer. First, he removes the fat from the top side - that is the side that was on top during cooking. Then, starting on the flat end of the opposite side, he starts through that layer of meat, continuing slicing toward the nose end until reaching the internal layer of fat. He removes the fat separating the two layers of meat, separates and sets the top meat layer aside. The grain in this layer runs differently from the bottom layer and brisket needs to be cut across the grain to be chewable. It is instructive, at this point, to look closely at the directions of the grain.
He continues trimming and scraping away the fat. Then he places the top layer on the bottom - with the grain of both aligned. He is able, then, to slice both layers thinly across the grain. Brisket begins to dry quickly, so have everything else ready to serve.
� 1998, Smoky Hale
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thanks for the post. it confirmed some of my ideas and certainly dashed others. it could not come at a better time as this weekend i will be doing my plant city runup and i printed your post and will hang it in the rig this weekend.
again thanks
2 greyhounds
ps no i won't forget the rabbit food kcbs requires Razzer
Wow, Tom! We did a lot of that stuff without knowing anything about it. I'm very impressed with my chef for using his instincts! And you did real good typing in all that!
I don't think I told you how sweet your wife is. She helped calm me down a bit, I think. Please thank her for me.

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