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Using what was available during the Korean war this unique and delicious Fatty resulted.

Ingredients: One can of Spam rolled out using a one quart bag, cooked rice, shredded cheese, Kimchi and woven smoked sugar cured bacon.

Note: As the Spam was a little dry, I added 1 tsp. bacon grease, blended and re-rolled.

Ingredients applied after adding bacon grease and blending the spam.


Note: At this time this Naked Fatty is ready to eat, go in a smoker / oven or continue.

The smoked sugar cured bacon applied and ready for the 300°oven for 2.5 hours.

Out of the oven

After a 20 minute rest it is ready to be enjoyed.

Note: My wife who does not care for Spam or Kimchi and I ate the whole thing.
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That really looks great, Mr. T. Certainly not your run of the mill fatty. I'm kind of neutral on Spam, and can take it or leave it. That said, the combination of your ingredients sounds like it would taste very good.

I keep thinking seriously about how you could make a fortune producing and selling your fatty, whole or by the slice, in Hawaii. With the State's Asian population representing 58% of the total, and the fact that Hawaii has the highest per capita consumption of Spam in the world, your fatty would be an overnight sensation and wipe out their Musubi consumption. On average, every man, woman, and child in Hawaii eats 15 cans of Spam annually. Those folks even have an annual festival every Spring known as SpamJam.

Need a business partner?Cool
Originally posted by Mr.T. dls,You bet, got tickets? Smiler

Mr. T - I'm all in. The demographics are perfect. The weather's pretty decent, also. I'm envisioning a vending spot at SpamJam in the Spring to introduce your Spam and Kimchi fatty to Hawaii and thinking "Honolulu, we have ignition". I can smell some very serious money here.
Last edited by dls
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Using what was available during the Korean war this unique and delicious Fatty resulted.

So, were you around back then Wink

Having lived in Korea for a year (Seoul) you guys can HAVE all my allotted Kimichi. When the two little house ladies made Kimici, buried it in the ground in the fall and dug it up in the spring.... that "smell" when the pot was open I can still smell it today.

Best to you guys that love it. But we're not turning this into the Kimchi forum. Bulgogi (but it needs to be smoked) maybe, so you better make it BBQ.
Originally posted by Padrefan98:
I think I need to smoke some Kimchi just to get it on the forum! Smiler

I say "Go for it". Or, look at it this way - Kimchi can be considered just one of the many versions of cole slaw and, as we all know, cole slaw, in many forms, is one of the most popular accompaniments with BBQ.
Originally posted by dls:
Mr. T - I just reread this thread and had a couple questions. I assume that the smoked sugar cured bacon used in the weave was of your making. Is that correct? Any info on that?

Did you apply any smoke to the Spam or just use it straight from the can?

Yes, it was my home cured bacon. Nothing special, dry sugar cured for two weeks, rinsed, air dried for two days then smoked for three days.

The Spam was not smoked as the smoked bacon gave the desired smoke flavor. When I do a naked Spam fatty with Korean coleslaw, it will be done in the Amerique.

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