For the first time ever, I managed to cook what turned out to be the perfect rack of spare ribs in the model 025. I have tried for years without success, using the green egg, brinkman smoker, par boiling, charcoal grill and oven. The results have always a nice treat for my dog(s).
After reading this forum I decided to cook them faster and quicker and they turned out perfect, pull off the bone tender, nice bark and great flavor.
I rubbed them with mustard and butt rub and immediately put them on the smoker at 275 with a couple of hickory chunks split into smaller pieces. Cooked for 2 hours and then put the rack in foil for another hour. Pulled the rack off and let it rest for about 20 minutes while preparing the rest of my meal.
The rack was small, just under 2 lbs. My question is if I cook a larger quantity say 6 racks weighing 10 -12 lbs how should I alter the cook time to obtain the same result?
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