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I cooked a spiral-sliced ham in my Smokette last night--it turned out great. I just placed it sliced-side down into a glass baking dish and slid it into the smoker with a golf ball sized chunk of hickory. I smoked it at 250* for 3 hrs (to an internal temp of 140*).

No honey-baked ham glaze, no rub. Just ham and smoke. It turned out great with nice, smokey undertones. And it dried the meat out a little, which I think those "cooked in water" cheap hams need.

Tonight I'm going to put the bone back in and smoke it for a few hours more. Should make for some fine ham & beans.
Original Post
Beans and ham with cornbread!!! Ahhh yes!! One of the dishes that will always be served at my house.

I just happen to have a large hambone in the freezer right now.....For my next batch of beans I think I'll smoke it first like you should turn out great!!!!


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