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Originally posted by Sweet Michael:
a chainsaw works great, but have a friend or wife hold the wood chunk. it is dangerous to hold the chunk in one hand and the saw in the other. remember, both hands on the chainsaw

Friend or WIFE hold the wood chunk, I'll tell you right now if I asked my wife to hold a wood chunk to make it smaller I wouldn't have to worry about no freakin wood chunks. Smiler
I use my wife's band saw, works real nice, just watch the fingers.
Another option is,most wood can be bought for almost nothing at the box stores,or picked up along the road.

Most of us,the wood grows old/dry/moldy and we must throw it away.

Short smokes,we probably won't oversmoke,long smokes we grumble about too little smoke.

If we are concerned,put the wood at the far end of the wood box,and it won't burn up and oversmoke,and no waste-because we have now made charcoal,which is good for next time,and might even improve smokering-for those folks that care.

I know this takes away a lot of prethought from folks that like to do that,but I've found that it almost always works in emergency,and I can get on with cooking and dining,which is what I enjoy.

Just a couple of thoughts.

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