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Smoked my 1st whole chicken yesterday. 4 1/2 lbs. Covered w/chicken rub,inserted half filled beer can in can cooking rack (drank 1st half of course) 1 piece cherry, set @ 250* inserted Polder probe in breast & started cooking. I figured 4 1/2 hrs. The new polder did not work, it showed over 500* in both oven temp & bird.
I put another probe to check oven temp. It stayed right around 250*. After 3 1/2 hours I opened door & inserted probe in thigh, it read 170*. closed door & let go another hr. Pulled @ 179*. Polder still not working. Chicken was AWSOME. The bone pulled right out of the leg. When I removed the polder probe from the bird it started working??
Don't understand what's going on there. The cheap Target probe worked fine.

If you always do what you've always done-- You'll always get what you've always got! --which could be a good thing with a CS.
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Thanks, Dave. I'll try 2 probes next time. and have to pay more attention to my probe placements. When I used my weber genesis, I generally checked the meat in a few places when I thought it was close to being done. In a CS it needs to be right the first time. When I did the 1st butt, the probe was too close to the bone & I had a false reading. But as they say, It's pretty hard to screw up with a Cookshack!

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